Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
"Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple
Sometimes good bye's the only way"
im up.. at 4am.. high on coffee. thus here i am. having the spur of typing whatever that comes to my caffeine powered brain.
my life now.
Wake at 9am, school, eat, exercise, coffee, absorb as much info as possible into the oh-so-finite-mind-of-only-20-minutes span of attention, sleep at 4am.
i love my life.
Once in a while id deviate from this norm, to have a bit of spice to my now so study strickened life.
Food for thought from what i realised in Lit and the Christian Child.
Issac was 25 years old when abraham was tested to sacrfice him on the altar.
i had the image of issac being a small child not knowing what on earth was going on when his dad tied him and put him on a pile of firewood for no apparent reason.
For all you know, Issac climed onto the pile of wood himself to be sacrificed. Issac's like 25, and abraham was 124 years old?
how on earth was it possible for Abraham to CARRY issac ( a full grown adult btw) onto the altar??? Knocking Issac unconscious doesnt seem to be a very bright idea.. and keeping issac on the altar would be another major problem, him being 25 and all, issac could probably run away from being killed.
Thus i conclude from my new found info on issac, that he was a darn good martyr and son, or that he just so strongly believed he wouldnt die, he just willingly lay down in the presence of death, with the simple trust in God. i dont think abraham even needed to tie issac up.
oh so brave.. oh so charming.. oh so wise.
i sound so holy.
pfft i wish.
things of the past just intrigue me for some weird reason as much as me and history dont click.
the static in winter is driving me and my hair crazy.
im getting electric shocks where ever i touch.
i feel like i have the power of electricity. once again, i wish.
If i did have that power, say goodbye to animal and child abusers and whoever i decide to electrocute. nah im not so evil. i think. then again u never know what power does to greedy, sinful, weak human souls now do we?
Static is in the air.
and im obviously under the influence of erm. caffeine. once again.
this is not good for my system honestly.
so long!
Adieu 5:04 PM***
Monday, January 28, 2008

"There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And it's filled with people who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it..."
Adieu 12:39 PM***
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I wanna go to Stanford, Uni of Michigan, or Yale, Harvard maybe i'll think about it. hahahhaa! omg.try harder mel. try harder. i think my GPA has to be 3.9 or 4.0 to get in. i wanna go to grad school now and say hello to research papers and practicums at hospitals. excited i am. and im only in second year. i like to think a thad bit too much. :(
Adieu 4:16 AM***
Friday, January 25, 2008
"Perhaps I had a wicked childhood
Perhaps I had a miserable youth
But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past
There must have been a moment of truth
For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So, somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good.. "
Adieu 2:27 PM***
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
im now living on caffine. :(
Adieu 4:19 PM***