Monday, January 30, 2006
Happy Chinese New Year!!!! CNY has been great so far and im enjoying every moment... hahahhaa! PRAISE GOD!

Sis... act cool.

meet the Queen of the cheong family.. CROSS LEG SOME MORE OK.

p.s TWIN ALEX LOH ZHENG HUI you BETTER COME... THANK YOU VERY MUCH. u are missed by family and friends. God bless and amen.

hee hee hee heee.....
Adieu 2:31 AM***
Friday, January 27, 2006
Sis is home!! and we did some bonding today.... we went KARA-OKAY-ING with her friend raymond aka LAME-MOND.. becaussseeeeee this is why...
R: when durian and papaya drop on your head.. which one more pain?
M: durian.
R: wrong. its your HEAD.
M: -_-
R: Is your math good?
M: ok la why?
R: What's xiao bai plus xiao bai?
M: i have no idea.
R: LEHH BIT. (rabbit) cos its xiao bai TWO (tu). hahahaha...
M: -_-
and there's more but if i list them all down.. its not going to end.
anyway, it was fun! sis, ray and i had fun singing and laughing and im happy that she's home.

Meet LAMEmond.

We were ACTING.... POSING.. this was on purpose.....

THIS is then what i call a SNAPSHOT.
Love ya sis!!!
oh and guys.... my CNY open house is on CHU SAN! (the third day CNY).. so pls tell me if u guys are coming a not ok? but i realised almost everyone's open house is on chu san... so erm... great... it clashes!!
but oh well.... enjoy CNY!!! and may God's blessing flow through the ang paos! AMEN!
Adieu 2:51 AM***
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Since its at night, and ive got nothing to do and im used to staying uplate, and to be honest im excited about this blog and wanna put more stuff in even though its like nonsense...SO... i decided to dress Stacy up in her new year TOP!! she's got another KIMONO(i dunno if i spelt this right, u know the Japanese erm... outift?) !!!! hahaha! and a erm, singlet? i didnt get the chance to take her photo in the kimono BUT.. i have her in the singlet!!!
u cant really see much from here, but take it from me... SHE"S ADORABLE.
Adieu 2:27 AM***