Tuesday, March 28, 2006
sorry guys.... assignments and disease were infesting my week... thus i skipped blogging.. hee hee..
anyway.. thank God im healed!!! Dear Baoting came over to pray for me and guess what she brought along!!!! a giraffe soft toy!!! so sweeeeeeeeet of my leader!!!! feel so loved. im naming it CHECKERS. stacy apparently seeing that its soft and furry, self proclaimed it to be her toy.... thus checkers was in the danger of being in stacy's merciless JAWS OF TERROR. ok .. not so scary..

meet CHECKERS!!!

SOFT AND FURRY= stacy's toy

So and thus stacy's conclusion on checkers is hers for the kill.

So as a loving owner for both stacy and checkers.. stacy is going on rehab.. "cold turkey" from furry stuffs... in replacement, she gets lovely plastic multicolored ball. though she cant see the colors.
back to relevance of the title... i have a few cross roads to face.. and i really need a sign! an answer! a direction! in studies, in ministry, in family and hee hee... in my holidays (as in where to go during hols)....oh man.. and i need to make decisions fast... before i miss any opportunity. but my wise leader was telling me... "its not where u have an opportunity then u jump, but its on whether that opportunity is your focus..." she is right of course, and the last thing i want is to loose energy and passion over my main focus because i jumped too fast on an opportunity. sooooo...... oh well, when man plans his ways, God will guide is path... no worries. :D
i miss.....
going to the beach
playing "snatch coin game"
staying over at serangoon gardens/yio chu kang and crashing "you know who's" place
ice skating
i need a holiday.
Adieu 12:59 PM***
Monday, March 20, 2006
I'll be there for youThese five words I swear to youWhen you breathe I want to be the air for youI'll be there for youI’d live and I'd die for youSteal the sun from the sky for youWords can’t say what a love can doI'll be there for you-Bon Jovi-SWEETEST LYRICS ON EARTH... the ticket to me saying "i do". hahahahaaa! well, i think its something Jesus would sing to us too...
Adieu 12:41 AM***
Monday, March 13, 2006
Things that happened.
I cant attend sat service for three months!!!!!
Sundays are officially packed with english service and chinese service!
I cant believe my immune system failed me for one whole week.
My new psych teacher aint no Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act.
The Big M is actually taste bud friendly!
New sofa bought.
New webcam. New mike. New skype. New fun. :) (ok i admit im lagging abit on the IT stuff cos almost the whole world has them already.)
Things that stay the same.
i love my members!!! and i miss u guys terribly even though its only one week.
i love my God!! (im falling in love with chinese church more and more)
i love my best friend for she is the angel that lifted me from the sick pit of pity and was there for me in the darkest night.
i love my another best friend for she is the one that adds
color to my life, in literal sense too. hee hee. Liz i love you. and i MEANT it.. the
color to my life part darling.
Class stays united in one lovely agreement. Sarcasm is not the way to your student's hearts.
(To ivan if u read this => *ROAR*)
(To wanyi if u read this => You are FAR from hostile. you IS good teacher. hahahahaa! )
Twins will always be twins. and erm.... when's jamming? cos YOUR EXAMS ARE OVER MR ANNIE.
and my eye brows can be home to tarzan. :(
last but not least... i realise im in the FMWYAH List. go figure. hahahaha! thanks chris for your lovely "crown" u bestowed upon me. and yes i triple promise, cross my heart, hook my pinkie and seal it with a kiss that i will miss W171 forever and ever till three months do us.... erm... be put together again. I DO.
Adieu 7:39 PM***
Monday, March 06, 2006
Slimmer, smarter, spiritual-er (just to make it rhyme).
Tail, i am not. Head i will be.
heh heh.
Adieu 10:00 PM***
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Today the praise song was "Jesus You are my best friend, You will always be..."i remember a long time ago, i had an invisible friend, and his name is none other than Jesus... i mention again, that was a long time ago... whatever i felt, whatever i went through Jesus will be the very first one to know... id whisper to Him under my breath how i felt, when i was sad id cry out to Him, had stupid conversations with Him and even buy presents for Him on His birthday, which OBVIOUSLY was on christmas day... that was the past...thinking of it... it was quite stupid..hahaha! but the relationship was so real to me, it felt like it was just yesterday that it all happened, and it felt good, it felt secure, it felt like i could take on the world.Well, many a times these invisible friends of our childhood fade away when the angsty teenage years set in and where invisible friends seemingly just are lame stuff that typical children go through, and being all "grown up", invisible friends just seem to NOT FIT IN if u ask me.. Thinking back, i want that closeness again... where EVERYTHING i do is about Him, is about how He feels, is about Him knowing me more and i knowing Him more.... though now He's not going to be the INVISIBLE best friend.... He IS going to be THE best friend...i wanna start buying Him presents on christmas!!!! i wanna just have cute mini arguments with Him again and again!!! i wanna just cry out to Him just for fun!! i wanna have the childlike faith once again....being all grown up now... it feels like acting like a child is immature... but, its a different thing altogether when its childlike faith. "and nothing will ever change that."
Adieu 10:08 PM***
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
How real, is this presence that i feel
So consuming, let Your love take all of me.
How can i be, so close to You
So deeply embraced by You.
Saturate me,
Call me deeper,
At Your throne i will lay down.
Saturate me,
Flood my spirit,
Here i am on holy ground.
I long for more of You
I long to be with You.
Nothing beats the agape love of my Big Daddy in Heaven! Though visions may seem to fade off before our eyes... but we always have God's eyes to look through! the heavenly perspective... SATURATE US I PRAY!
Adieu 4:02 PM***