Thursday, April 27, 2006
Let the weak say im strong...
Weak and wounded sinner
lost and left to die
raise your head for love is passing by
come to Jesus
come to Jesus
come to Jesus
and live
Now your burdens lifted
go carry it far away
and precious blood has washed away the stain
so sing to Jesus
sing to Jesus
sing to Jesus
and live
And like a new born baby
dont be afraid to crawl
and remember when you walk sometimes we fall
so fall on Jesus
fall on Jesus
fall on Jesus
and live
Sometimes the way is lonely
and steep and filled with pain
so if your sky is dark and pours the rain
then cry to Jesus
cry to Jesus
cry to Jesus
and live
And when the love spills over
and music fills the night
and when u cant contain your joy inside
then dance for Jesus
dance for Jesus
dance for Jesus
and live
And with your final heart beat
kiss the world goodbye
and go in peace and laugh on glory's side
and fly to Jesus
fly to Jesus
fly to Jesus
and live
Fly to Jesus
fly to Jesus
fly to Jesus
and live.
i need to raise my head..
And the Lord i will obey,
Lord help me, i dont know the way...
*on bended knees*
Adieu 12:48 AM***
Monday, April 24, 2006
Finally after a long long while i really wanted to blog about this beautifully fun day but was just too lazy to upload pics.. haha! so now its up! and erm... it happened exactly one week ago...
Joo beautiful sweetheart came over to crash... and SO... she brought along magical cooling fun spray can..... heh heh...

And so... we had some fun in the toilet... with white frosty legs.. and after wash... SMOOTH CLEAR SKIN.
After that she proceded to do my hair.....
TA DA!!! the artistic work of "Future Hair Stylist of the Year 2006".. hahahaa! not bad huh joo....
well later on we watched LITTLE MERMAID 2... which we enjoyed dearly trying to kick out scientific concepts coming into our minds like...
Me: How come melody's (ariel's daughter) clothes dry so fast after coming out of the water??!
Me: How come melody can just lean on the ice without getting frost bites?!!?
Joo: ITS A CARTOON MEL! anything is possible!
Joo: How come if the whole household knew that Ariel is a mermaid, then surely someone will tell melody that she's part mermaid too right?
Me: ITS A CARTOON JOO... anything is possible!
oh well...
After that, a visit to my VERY GLAM best friend at her grandpa's wake, which then got me extremely addicted to bridge. yes extremely. 
sock digging... i dig this picture. hee hee...
Adieu 6:52 PM***
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
The facts are...
life is a turmoil...
But the truth is...
we can be overcomers...
The facts are...
people are not perfect...
But the truth is...
we grow ever brighter onto the perfect day...
The facts are...
i have no money...
But the truth is...
my riches are stored in heaven...
The facts are..
my hp is spoiling and i have no money to get a new one...
But the truth is...
i dont need to get one.. my dad is blessing me with one... HAHAHAH.
Now the fact is...
life isnt all that great....
but the truth is...
A great ife isnt all that tough, when u have Someone telling u the truth about things and neglecting the facts about life.
im not saying this cos my life is smooth at this point.. it certainly isnt.... BUT ive got a strong love backing me up and thats all i need. :)
i have changed my target... heh heh.
Adieu 1:01 PM***
Friday, April 14, 2006
u guys mean the world to me, and i mean it. im happy to have you guys. sudden emo entry... BUT... i LOVE YA"LLL!!!
No more no less. u guys love me no matter what, u guys support me no matter what, u guys care for me no matter what, u guys never would bring tears to me and u guys will wipe my tears away... and i could ask of no more, cos you guys are all that ive ever wanted!!! God brings good people to you. amen amen.
Family :)

Guess what. im best friends with MAHJONG QUEEN. QUEEN. imagine the amount of money we could have made together. But of course, whats money to us when we have God. And she's more to that than MAHJONG also ok.... she's my legs when im down, my hands when im weak. :)

The person that loves loves loves, she judge's not, she scold's not, she has a heart as big as the universe and guess what, she's my other best friend.. HURRY BECOME FAMOUS.

Though he may look like he's sulking, he actually loves(brotherly love pls) me alot. HAHAAA! My encourager, my first aid box provider, my hagen daaz provider, my twin that plays with me touch nose.

Chris, thanks for the constant (of course brotherly) love. u nv fail to stop loving and caring and press in to know what im going through. YOU THE BEST. i can whine all i want and you'd still be smiling.

MY JOY, my protector, my listener and my comfort.
AINT I THE LUCKIEST?!!? Im content and happy no matter what i go through cos i have people that DO care.
i miss u guys!!!! and i know that u guys will appreciate my missing of u guys! im focusing all my love on better things than sad and stressful stuff from now on.
And agape love from heaven above. :)
Adieu 12:07 AM***
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Here's a little entertainment for bored souls who have a fetish for cartoons... or maybe more specifically aladin as introduced by non other than the all time lover of cartoons; huanxin. It might take a long time to load cos there's like so many PARTS.
Its funny, but the dubbing can be quite ridiculous.. warning there are parts uncencored.. as in speech wise.. no explicity of course. Its pure aladin cartoon dubbed over with... well... funny speech.
And of course im blogging abit in celebration of finishing my interlearn. yay! thank GodTo grace: im always here. :) u rock as an ic! To Liz: work hard. To Alex: Touch the colored word for your healing. You will be healed in JESUS name!To Johnny: tpiyng leik tihs is tberliry dfciuilft.Easter is coming easter is coming easter is coming... be filled with expectency expectency expectency!!! i heart Jesus many many. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.." Luke 23:34. These were the very words of Jesus, our saviour, our Lord as he was dying, as He was killed innocently. How much is this love that was shown, instead of saying "WHY MUST I DIE, FOR I HAVE NOT SINNED NOR DONE EVIL, WHY MUST I BE CRUCIFIED?" He died for one reason and one aim only... that is for us... for us only. He died for the very people that killed Him and took His life. and His last words werent of anger, but of love. How great is this Love, how great is our God.
Adieu 5:59 AM***
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
i feel....
1. pathetic.
Maybe peer presure. maybe misunderstood.
2. mixed.
3. stressed
Assignment deadlines are DEAD near.
4. in a hole. DEEP hole.
i want to climb out, but somehow the solitude feels comfortable too. away from the world's harshness. away from the pressures of expectations, the pressures of comformity.
5. contridicted.
how tough it is to laugh when u are feeling all cooped just to try to sound ok. right joo?
Feelings that kill, drain, tire people till hair seems to fall out...
Talking about hair... i met a sweet sweet girl today.. ( i dont want to mention the name)
i saw her at the pasar malam!!! so anyway i was inappropriately dressed... so being the shy girl i am, i ran upstairs to change into something proper, grabbed stacy and ran down hoping to find the family....i was walking the WHOLE pasar malam and praying to God that i will bump into them and to lead me in the right direction. i was hot and tired and on the brink of giving up so as i was turning into my place, I SAW THEM!!!!!!
THANK GOD... this goes to show prayer does work, and that God is good and peserverance does help alot... she was wearing those cute pink sun hats, seeing her, i felt... i really dunno how i felt.. i felt happy that she was healthy, i felt sad because of all the pain she went through.. for those who know.. she wears that hat for a reason. and it just hurts to see someone so innocent go through all the sterotyping, all the cynicism, all the eyes of pity... ok i really dunno but seeing the family, it kinda tells me how strong people are actually, and that sad and unfair things may come their way, by standing together they did wonders.
i asked how is she, her mom said she's ok already... but the mom and dad i could somehow read that the path of getting to where their daughter is now was a tough road to walk... but im so happy for them, as in i could tell they were much stronger.
remembering the hospital, it was just, heart breaking, soul wrenching.. seeing her was like, instantly you are being crushed so hard that life is not all that fine and dandy, your insides just raging.. filled with sadness and anger of why she has to go through this.
the sweet girl however was super cheerful now and she remembers me as her teacher!!! yay! i was so happy to see her smiling!!! the smile just took away everything that was on my shoulders. if she could smile with all her heart after going through so much... what more of us healthy people... in fact the strongest people arent us adults or strong muscular fit wise intellectual rich full grown people, but the children. no wonder we are to have child like faith. no wonder Jesus loves the little children. they may cry when they fall, but they smile over every trial. adults dont. adults just become depressed or critical or mean after every trial. its so different.
upon seeing her... i feel that now... i should just stand up, smile with the fullness of heart though many things bring me down, and have the faith of a child that everything is in God's hands and that i'll be fine. If she could smile, laugh with all that she's got, i think everyone can too, no matter how long and winding and painful the road ahead may be.
Let go and let God. Child like faith. :)
just keep smiling, just keep smiling.
Adieu 10:11 PM***
i need a phone and the phone that i need is this.

i dont really need it.. more of WANT it. hee hee... i know i mentioned about the flower one. BUT not anymore..... hahahahaahha.
Oh God i lay hands on this blog entry. :) inGod i trust.
Adieu 4:47 PM***
Monday, April 10, 2006
a picture of SKIN deep beauty... but she IS real pretty too!
to someone (and i really hope u know its you when u read this but i doubt so):
tell the world that Jesus lives, is good, telling the world everything else about everyone else is not so good. wanting to know everything about everyone and thinking you know everybody is not so good either. thinking that you are all high and mighty and everyone simply likes you, oh well. BUT you're not all bad... just that you're oblivious.
ok mind me. i do get frustrated, i know no one's perfect and im not perfect. but, i guess the limit has been hit and i need a little release. :(
Dont ask. please. im not releasing names.
ok happy stuff,
Ive got a new job as a tutor!! and its a primary one girl... sweet sweet sweet! i love kids i love kids i love kids. :):):):):)
Easter is coming!!!
New stuff from Dubai
oh yah AND.....
Ive learnt something new from my beloved leader yesterday, something interesting, something that will distort my comfort a little, something that will stretch me, something that will help me. And of course what are spiritual mothers for? to nurture their spiritual children!
Sad stuff
school is stress
i give up on my handphone
might not even be going ANYWHERE for hols.
i need more courage
i need more faith
i need more wisdom
i need to be refreshed
i need to be strengthened
i need to be more discerning
i miss my kids terribly :(
ok i basically need Jesus
Good stuff.
Mommy (hurry come back)
Grace (hurry get married heh heh)
Liz (hurry get famous)
Stacy (hurry have puppies)
These LADIES are FAMILY to me... without u guys, id, id.... "i walk a lonely road, the only one that i have ever known... " and tra la la it goes on. My support, my joy, always loving me no matter how ugly i sometimes can be. :D
i need to master the art of loosing myself in Your praise. amen.
Adieu 9:07 PM***
Saturday, April 08, 2006
thisentryisjustaboutrantingsandstuffabouthowifeel withoutanyspacebarsounlessuarereallyfreeand interestedandwannaspoilyoureyesthencontinuereading wellanywayitskindatoughnotpressingthespacebar movingonsometimeslifecanbeveryquitefrustratingabout thethingsyoudoorotherpeopledoorsaytoyoumost peoplethinkthatlifeisallaboutputtingupagoodfrontlife
isallaboutmakingagoodimpressionlifeisallaboutputting upashowputtingupamaskandchangingitaccordingto circumstancemanytimeslifeisaboutfacingcritismsfacing untruejudgementsfacingmeanremarksfacingscreamsand shoutingsfacingunfairnessandsometimesevenfacing yourselfinthemirrorwithoutputtingyourmaskonbutveru oftenpeopleforgetthatlifeisreallynotaboutother peopleorwhattheythinkorwhattheysayorthethingsin
lifebutlifeisaboutGodandonlyGodaboutwhatGodthinks aboutyouwhatGodissayingtoyouhowmuchGodmeansin
yourlifeandwhatareudoingforGodinyourlifeandthese thethingsthatreallyineedtopullmethroughveryseldom
peoplesaythingswithoutthinkingaboutwhattheirwords woulddotosomeoneslifebeitbringlifeordeathpeopledont
reallycarewhatmattersisreallyGodswordforuswhich infactisfilledwithloveandencourgementandiguessthats
whatireallyneedtoknowbecauseGodwillneverhurtGod willnvdisappointGodwillnvforsakeGodunderstandsGod lovesandthatswhatireallyneedtocarryingonwalkingfear cripplesmebutiknowGodwillpickmeupothersmight
GodfeelsmyGodknowsohhelpmepullthroughiprayhelpme whentherearenoothershelpmetoriseoneagleswingshelp
meseewhoaretheonesformehelpmegrowhelpmebreakout helpmestandstrongsetmeontherockthatishigherthanihelp
meipraysowiththiscryiprayillfindmywayipraytobein Yourlovingarmscradlemecomfortmethenletmefindmy
Adieu 12:51 AM***