Monday, May 29, 2006
Went for hair coloring session with dear shuzhen today... and i officially vote for myself to win the prize of best "AH LIAN WANNA BE 2006". yes. sad but true.. its all good... hair grows out anyway.. hahahahahahaha!

Red head was the supposed plan.. it looks blonde here.. but really... its a sunshine effect... no blonde.. no blonde... (im really trying to save on whats left of my "image" right now)... the highlights came out SHOCKING. as u guys can see in the pictures above.... urgh...
But the lady's real nice!! for a two tone hair coloring session, she charged only 55 bucks.. and she really tries to get the best color out.. plus.. she puts personalized tv infront of you while u wait till you hair is done... and when you are bored.. u have a two dogs, jo jo and cookie to play with you.. isnt that awesome.. all for the price of 55 bucks... mdm chew rocks.
zhen got her red highlights!!! really pretty!!! u guys shall see during emerge yourselves for w171 members.. hahahaaa!
Went shopping with mom and sis! yes pam jie jie is back AGAIN.. and i DO miss her alot... and we spent quite some time chatting about everything under the sun.. which was a lovely bonding session... i cant wait to go out with them again!!! i love my family many many.
and someone called again! yay!
ok.. mind me... i end here. :):):):)
Adieu 11:11 PM***
Sunday, May 28, 2006
yesterday was like mommies day 2...
accompanied mom with her besties for dinner... which was real good... we had seafood galore...THEN we headed to one of my mom's friend's place for MAHJONG. i was the person to fill in the gap for them as without me, they'd only have three players which isnt so fun.... but then...they didnt know that i am the disciple of MAHJONG QUEEN grace... and they were in for a surprise...
playing with mom and gang was indeed real fun... as in i really enjoyed the time spent with my mom's friends instead of her usually being the one that spends time with MY friends... so it was a good good night.. and of course... when it was nearing the end of the game, i was banned from playing mahjong with them cos i won one too many times.. hahahaha! this is proof of grace's good mahjong teaching skills..
well anyway, 3/4 through the game... someone called! so happy..
ok yes this entry is boring but i dont care, its for my own personal reference in future.. i like.... hahahaaa...
im coloring my hair tmr!!! any creative suggestions??????
emerge is coming !! so happy so happy!
and er... i end here.. hee hee.
Adieu 5:18 PM***
Thursday, May 25, 2006
The day before me, lex and zhiyong were discussing the prizes for essay writing...
Me: zhiyong, do u know the prizes for essay writing?
Zy: maybe vouchers? nike?
Lex: nike for extreme sports.. essay writing should be...... POPULAR BOOKSTORE vouchers.
Me: !!!
hahahahaaa! really leh, if popular bookstore then the motivation is really not there... but guess what, when i reached the "exam hall", writen on the paper: first prize is
300$$$$$$$ taka vouchers!!!! GOODNESS.................... plus now is great singapore sale... God please... HELP ME. HAHAHA!
Me: Baoting/LEX!!! the first prize is 300$$$$$ taka vouchers!
Baoting: PLEASE WIN.
Lex: twin, u BETTER win...
yeah.. i know... i pray hard...
ok its really not about the prize.. lets get this right... its the time to emerge and show our abilities... BUT STILL... woah... pst really looks out for the interests of his fellow children...
Another happy happy incident... my aunt lilian is in town!!!! met up for good hotel buffet... and awww... i miss her soooo...

Aunt lilian shared with me many things.. and main idea of topic was on "how to find a good husband". -_- . im only 19!!! HUSBAND?!!? then she helped in telling dad on how he should send me overseas to study so that i can meet rich men, and then i can find rich husband, then my dad will be a more rich dad after that.... -_-...
good tactic in persuading dad to send me overseas for better education, but she uses the temptation of me knowing rich men... smart aunt.
yes overseas... i wanna go SCA!!!!!!!!!!!
and Kiss from a rose by SEAL is soooooo nice!!!!! awwwww.....
Adieu 11:59 PM***
oh man.. hahaha!
bad morning cos i suffered from food poisoning or gastric again... i really need to get fixed up... if not is no more steamboat stuff...
bad afternoon because i got woken up after bad bad diahorrea. feeling like super groggy.. and i planned to have a good rest!!! urgh.
bad evening... 36 points. -_-
BUT... praise God it was a great night!!! fellowshipped with finally grace and lex TOGETHER... like reunion. its so difficult to see the both of u guys together at one time at the same table ... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
anyway... over at the tag box... u guys love love ok?
to kel: now i know, and im feeling much better, and i know that after today everything was clarified, u know how i feel and i know how u felt, and i understand why u are reacting this way and i know u understood me too. so love love yah?
to Lex: its all good, its all good... love love...
Adieu 1:23 AM***
Sunday, May 21, 2006
It was once said,
When u give gifts to someone. u give gifts that the person likes, not what u want the person to have. when the person likes a red bag, u dont buy a blue bag just cos u think the blue bag is nicer, when in fact the red bag is what the person wants.
just food for thought. i hope YOU get it. im not wanting a red bag .. hahahah! it was an illustration.
oh and i met long lost friend Mr muscle macho model man dave this morning... that short meeting did made my day start out much better. thanks :)
And the pic doesnt do him justice, but i dont care... hahaha! it was in the morning and erm, mornings arent really good for taking pics, if u get what i mean.. haha!... i must get hold of the OTHER photos..
Oh gosh im in such a confused state right now.. so many things to finish, projects, driving tests, surviving 4 bucks for the rest of the week, thing's ive heard, things that were said to me... its all good gets u thinking still... whats to come.. and yah.. urgh i excited, yet knowing i need to buck up so much more physically, emotionally and spiritually..
Adieu 10:49 PM***
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
oh and er...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK/DA!!!!! my dog lover friend!!!! and listener and confidante!!!
hee hee... an entry just for you ok... honoured a not... hahaha!
*screams shouts claps!!!!*
may all your dreams and visions come to pass. :) God bless.
Adieu 2:02 AM***
Pst phil's idea on walking around with God was apparently the most effecient in fighting off the unwillingness of the flesh and bringing in the willingness of the spirit...
While walking...
a) there's no bed.
b) no air con.
c) no distractions like computer, stacy, tv, radio, and er... insects.
d) admire God's creations, which gets into the realm of OH MY GOODNESS MY GOD IS SO AMAZING.
After walking for a round i started jogging, and while listen to Hillsongs United... its like.. a really good mix... and the tempo sets you in pace... plus.. the lyrics does sink in.. and in fact motivate u to jog even more when tired, cos it so happens that you'd turn your attention on God thus leaning on His OH SO MIGHTY STRENGTH. heh heh.... Anyway, i ve been meditating on this verse... cos it kinda just jumped out on me during quiet time.
Matt 7:21-23
Not everyone shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?'
And then I will declare to them, 'I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me, you who pratices lawlessness!
Never would i want to go up to heaven and realise that God never knew me, it hurts. Though we may work so hard on earth and do His wonders... but if we dont speak with Him, fellowship with Him, then there's simply no point in trying so hard to reach the top of the kingdom, be it in ministry or in life, when at the end of the day, God never even knew you. And you're doing wonders in His name, yes... but what about our first calling, to be called unto the Lord, to fellowship with Him, to commune with Him..
Never would i want to be well known by everyone because of my works on earth, and not be known in heaven at all. Id rather my works be not known on earth, but in Heaven, im known by my Heavenly Father.
Some people just try so hard to reach the top, i mean its not wrong to WANT to reach the top... but they simply forget about God, leaning on their own strength and pride, and all they want is to have a position or a place or name on earth... but what if on earth, you're known, you try so hard on your own strength to get where u want, but in heaven, you're unknown. Never would i want the person whom i thought of as my best friend to tell me 'i never knew you'.
Fellowship, humility, servant of God.. THEN u become a true friend of God, just as abraham was. Not member, helper, cgl, pastor THEN friend of God, then friend of God already but still dont chit chat or share secrets... it really doesnt work that way...
Its really really really good to recieve stuff from heaven again... its like when i was young all over again, only that now God talks to me more like an adult, rather than a child.
Quiet time. "I never knew you" just shatters my heart.. and id prevent that to happen with my life.
Think servant, think child. Aim low then you'll soar high in God's hands.
Luke 14:10
But when you are invited, go and sit down in the lowest place, so that when he who invited you comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, go up higher.’ Then you will have glory in the presence of those who sit at the table with you.
Its never the other way round.
*With eyes and hands lifted towards the heavens, Lord i pray, carry me, that i may master the art of leaning on Your strength instead of mine. That i may loose my pride and gain humility, for i admit i cant do anything without You, im NOTHING without You, and i need You.*AWAY with "i have the strength to get through this", and bring in "by Your strength, i can get through this.." small difference in words, big difference in spirit.
chit chat times with God are ever so, spectacular.
Adieu 1:55 AM***
Sunday, May 14, 2006
OMGOODNESSSS.... ive got pics of CCC BAND!!!! YAY!!!
BUT THEN.... mr drummer mix Armenian is soooooo SWEEET!
Anyway... with bands aside... after service i went mommy's day grocery shopping with non other than my brother from another mother... hahahaa! im of course... the CHEF of the day. Sooooo we went to the nearby mall to get some stuff from the super market.... and lex was so sweet to handle everthing for me... :):):):)
Check out lex's homely sweet side, and his rocker dude side. ULTRA AWWWWWWWWWWW. :)!
And er... yah i helped to push for A WHILE. hee hee.
and who carries your shopping stuff back for you!?!?!? MANHOOD. hahahaa! no kidding ok.. my heart melt. THANKS FOR THE SWEETNESS OF YOUR HEART!!! aint i the luckiest twin alive.
Then.. the cooking started... With a knife and kitty apron at hand... i was all ready to whip up a good hearty meal for three.......the TWO MOMS OF MY LIFE... WHO HAS TWO MOMS?!?!?! im one lucky lucky girl.
Mom was photographer of the day. hahahahaa! Her day of REST.
AND FINALLY............ MY SWEAT AND BLOOD. ok. not exactly sweat and blood but. cooking IS tough.
TA DA!!!!!!!! hahaha! ok not champion i know, but its the best ive got for now, and i did it will the fullness of my heart!!!!

With feathered roses and a giraffe... HAPPY MOM'S DAY!!!!
hahahaha! i feel a sense of achievement for staying in the kitchen and the super market for the longest hours.... goodness... but all in all... it was fun, it was fulfilling to see the person who brought me to this earth smile in true abundant happiness!! and thats the joy of life.. bringing a smile to others. :)
Next week i s rush assignments week and soon to be car driving test week...... AHHH!!!
*My God shall supply all my big and small needs, according to all his riches and glory in His heavenly home. AMEN.*
Adieu 10:29 PM***
Saturday, May 13, 2006
The day was bright... the night was EXPLODING.
Went jamming in the noon, and i had a breakthrough record of getting ready in 30 mins without having ALREADY chosen my clothes as i woke up REALLY LATE... hee hee..
And Thanks alex!!! he's really helping me in my inferiority complex... thanks so much.. i do appreciate it alot lex. :) Jamming today was real good though!!! things went well, and somehow i knew God was there...:) the jamming crew were real lovely today too!!!!

Ivory, mel, anakin, mark and samuel!!!

Then rock poses were done with the guitars.. apparently... mine is the most not cool. hee hee.

And lex... im still amazed with your paddles though ive seen them ten million times...This time, i saw them as a WHOLE FAMILY OF PADDLES. like. WOAH.

Come into His courts with PRAISE!!!!
Well moving on... service was... was...erm.. no words could express how service was...
In fact before i went for service, i carried a burden with me, a burden that i didnt want to face knowing i would face it, i wouldnt know how to react or what to do... and when i entered the hall, the struggle to fight the tears was so intense i was just dying for service to start so that i can really turn to God in all his presence and just let it all go...
Worship was beautiful for me, whatever tears i had, i shed them till like there is no tomorrow, knowing that God counts them and puts them in a bottle, i lifted everything up to Him. i was so lost, i was in a place where, i was just desperately in need of that outpouring, an outpouring of His presence, an out pouring of healing, and out pouring of love, to set me free from this burden. And of course.. that was what i got... hahahaaa!
Pst Phil is amazing, He's so in sync with all that God has for him, and he passes it on with such power and strength.. and im so so so blessed by him.. indeed God has a word in season for everyone personally, and i cannot thank God enough for all that He has done tonight through pst phil....
Prayer indeed makes u see things through God's eyes, and when u've had that glimpse of God's perspective, nothing is ever the same again. For indeed God has given me a spirit of peace, LOVE and a sound mind, and of course i want to bear a sweet spirit, a spirit of forgiveness, of purity, of love. Dreams and visions were made real again, the singing, india, children, everything.. was refreshed..
The burden that i carried to church today, thinking i might carry it out with me, was gone. The heaviness of my soul was lifted, and i felt brand new.
Past mistakes were erased, past hurts faded away, though memories do stay, cos i doubt God will brainwash people, but i knew the love in me was renewed, as fresh as morning mists, and i knew i could face whatever i didnt want to face, with a new heart, and in fact i did. I came out of that hall today, truly alive again. :)
Elijah, as imperfect as anyone on earth, was able to cease rain, and to call forth rain, through a prayer. God can use anyone, as long as we seek him, in truth and in prayer.

Love you girls!!!!
- Show me Love-
Building 429
Love is patient love is kind
You love me and you don't mind
That I'm not so perfectYou know I'm unrefined
And my actions fail to show
But in spite of me you seem to know
That I only want to love you
I don't mean to be so cold
My words have cut you to the bone
But my heart still longs for you alone
Show me love, show me life, give me time
Because I want to shine in spite of who I am
Show me love, give me time
Because I want to shine in spite of who I am
I know by you I am justified
But still I can't seem to find the line
Where my works will match my faith
And I lay myself aside
And my actions fail to show
But in spite of me you seem to know
That I only want to love you
I can't make it on my own
When my mind denies the love I know
My life sends nails through your bone
Show me love, show me life, give me time
Because I want to shine in spite of who I am
Show me love, give me time
Because I want to shine in spite of who I am
I can't define Your love but I need it I need it yeah
I can't give enough of me but You want it so I'll give it
I don't deserve Your love but I have it
and I have it now...
Adieu 1:26 AM***
Friday, May 12, 2006
I had my mom's day dinner today... and the best part is it was together with BOTH mom and dad. now im one happy daughter.

This is what i call a real RARE picture. :)
Well after a good joyful meal... out to get mom's present was the main aim... and CHRIS LONG HONG ZHANG accompanied me.. and thus we did many lame things to DE-STRESSSSSSSSSSSS...........
Dumb photo's were taken. as usual.... heh heh

And this was chris entertaining himself while waiting for the first guest surprise of the night, and also while waiting for me to finish on my beloved topic.. my assignments. pfft.
FINALLY HUANXIN arrives.... and check out what he puts in his car..... muscle man on the outside, real soft and furry in the heart. hahahahahaahahaa!
see his SOFT side on top, and fierce macho side at the bottom.
Then some more surprise guests appear during the night... i really mean SURPRISE....
Then grace grace finally showed up!!!!! wah... ive been so deprieved of your company....urgh
SOOOOO... we hung out at ice^3 enjoying and relaxing and have GREAT FELLOWSHIP AS MORE GUESTS ARRIVE.....
THEN THE FINAL REUNION CAME WHEN............the zhss people met once again.
LIZ... FINALLY OK.. FINALLY... i cant wait for MONDAY!!!!
so it came the time to go home.. sad but true cos there's still another assignment... oh gosh.. this week is mad... BUT i had so much fun, the feeling of loving company again just fills my soul... its always good to have good people who love you, who treasure you.. hahaa! and u guys know who u are!!!! love love love love love.
Of course not forgetting the MAIN AIM of the day was in fact.....
The gift!!!! hee hee....
To all mommies out there... HAPPY MOMMY'S DAY!!!
Greatest day... i met all my loved ones within ONE NIGHT.... and its not as if we PLANNED IT TOGETHER. i managed to meet mom and dad and tita and grace and liz and baldwin and carine and shawn and chris and huanxin and jas and tricia and henry and leon and mabeline and and and .. did i leave out anyone??? this was how fulfilling my night was.. all thanks to you guys... :D
Jamming is up ahead. rest i will need, God i will bless, for He has blessed me many many too. hahahaa!
*My Jehovah Rapha :)
Blessings indeed You gave me.. Love indeed you poured out for me, letting the emptiness fall to the ground. My thanksgiving is overflowing, my heart is overwhelming, with Your wonderous joy.*
Adieu 5:41 AM***
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Firstly, my blog should be known as NEVERENDING ASSIGNMENTS.
Today was a good day. i finally JUST finish my assignment so ive decided to do some de-stressing cos i think i deserve it.. heh heh... and with a NEW DIGI CAM (blessings i will bless you!!! ).... although studying took up like 11 hours of the day, it WAS a fun day.. studying with wanyi, is like exciting......

The bras basah mac always has weird people... the first question the guy in grey asked the guy in the cap was.."DO YOU HAVE A GIRL FRIEND?" !!!!!!!!!! then there were other people who scold vulgarities OUT LOUD at the commercials.. and they were alone... then there were those that laugh OUT LOUD for nothing! and they were alone... whats with that Mcdonalds?!?!!

Then mac is like the sleeping haven, everytime we go there, SURELY there will be a sleeping beauty..........

Then it was ... brain dead and photo taking period.

OH... check this guy out.... his name is YAM AH MEE if u cant see clearly.. im a big fan. :):):):)

FINALLY we shifted out of the mac and into a place where, we totally got our legs and butts cramped. The national library FLOOR. ok this assignment thing is driving me nuts.. the WHOLE DAY. ASSIGNMENT.

It takes alot of EFFORT to study.... :(:(:( ok... 3/4 of the things arent mine hahaha!.. wanyi had to bring two laptops. Thanks dear. love love.

Yes, as pst kong said... studying IS tiring... but wanyi looking very much excited.

After studying... was hell lots of fun.. OUTSIDE the library...

and er modelling pics of the UNDEAD. heh heh..

And of course, of the two guys i met today, lex, u are no match with AH MEE. Thanks for the lovely company!!!
To the people that were SUPPOSE to watch MI3 today........... CAN WE REALLY MAKE SURE WE WATCH NEXT TIME??? hahahaha! yes cos im excited to meet up. :D
i cant wait for er.... tonight and tmr!!!! tonight will be beautiful family bonding night, and tmr will be singing sweet songs for God morning, THEN... PST PHIL PRINGLE!!!!!! i cant wait i cant wait!!! it was pst phil that brought forth God's heavenly promise to my life, and now he's back finally!! :):):):)
Good, glorious and fruitful day! played and studied seriously to my heart's content, its the first time i could do things simultaneously, multitasking uh huh uh huh... hee hee...
ok ive got to go to school in like two hours time.
Goodbye and God bless!
*now the weak can say "im strong enough"*
Adieu 5:26 AM***
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
12 hours of no sleep.
one more essay to go .
Exams are cominin.
At least i know im achieving something, im going somewhere in life, at least im studying and doing well in it for that matter.
Just keep running Just keep running. :)
Yeah, i still do hold fast to my desicion that studying in mcdonalds is crazy... esp the one beside bras basah.
The commercials are so annoying.... esp one that goes "orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrORRRRRRRRRRRRRRR CHARD ROAD! "WAH.. that totally cuts short your chain of thought ok.. listening to that for like 3-4 hours? was erm, how to say... heart wrentching. Then following orchard road commercial will be SESAME STREET commercial. "wont you show me how to get, how to get to SESAME STREET!" hahahahaa!.... commercials.
anyway.. love (as pst casey treat would say) YA"LL! :):):):)
Adieu 10:31 AM***
Sunday, May 07, 2006
New blog skin.
Fresh wonderful start! :):):):)
New hope, new dreams, new visions, new everything!!!
Forgiven, forgoten, and most importantly FREEDOM!
Happy girl is me, happy girl i am, happy girl i will be.
Lex... MEET UP before 8th june. i miss fun times like THESE..................................
Grace, Liz.. i need my portion of.....


The joy of togetherness again!!!
Oh and anyone wants to join the SSS (SINGLE SUPPORT STUDY) group, club, clan, whatever... its purely for singles, and students. AIM is to STUDY. HAHAHAHAHAAA! sign up with the presidents.... 
ME & Mr cool like anything LYS..
TODAY! u must be single and studying to qualify. 20 hours per week. hee hee hee...
Good results and full of fun loving company is assured.
so what are u waiting for?! SIGN UP TODAY!
*Basking in Your glorious love*
Adieu 3:09 PM***