Sunday, June 25, 2006

Calvin u can go sell sunglasses. u have like ten million and i have none. -_-
Hong Kong is a few hours away!!! Enjoyment is knocking at the doors of my heart, and i cant wait!!!!
No stress and all eating and shopping!!!
i'll miss everyone of course!!! and definately will get as many presents as i can or as much as my bag can carry...
There's no distance in prayer...thus definately even though im having fun u guys will be in my prayer! love love love!
So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbyeI leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye -- Goodbye!
Adieu 11:13 PM***
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Having eyes, but not seeing beauty; Having ears, but not hearing music; Having minds, but not percieving truth;Having hearts that are never moved and therefore never set on fire. These are the things to fear. -Sosaku Kobayashi-
RE-LAX.............................. i still cant believe my exams are over and my mind is so at peace without having the thought of studying at the back of my head.
Going to Hong Kong sooner than expected. Im going on MONDAY instead!!!!!! yay!!!
And i cant wait for the dim sum feasts and shopping sprees!!!
im definately gonna miss many many people of course. hee hee. love love.
Adieu 4:37 PM***
Thursday, June 22, 2006
WORLD CUP FRENZY!!!! ok i didnt know the brazil outfit would be THIS yellow... but then daddy liked it!!! so happy so happy so happy! ok.. i took his present to wear and "modelled" terrible in it at home for a while. :). im in fact quite proud of my gift. *smirks*

Daddy Alex said: why didnt you put my name?!?! u should put Alex what.
Me: but but.... no one on this planet earth has a jersy like yours! its special!
Daddy Alex: ok lah, "daddy" i also happy. i'll wear it on my saturaday function.
Me: *happy like bird, but kept my inner emotions of daugther-father love within*
It sometimes IS HARD to express love to fathers seriously, they always look so COOL and stern and incapable of being lovey dovey. i hope the father of my kids wont be that HARD on the outside, though all fathers are soft on the inside! :):):)
""""I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me fret or make me frown,
i had strings but now im free, ive got NO STRINGS ON ME!"""""
So happy so happy. finally exams are over and im flying to Hong Kong on the 5th and staying till 13th july!!! oh the joy that floods my soul! RETAIL THERAPY oh yeah. :D
i realise there's this feeling of love much more in the CG. i dunno, its like i sense a breakthrough coming, and its coming like a storm! woohoo! the love is overflowing overwhelming over the hills and over the moon or something... and it feels great to know that the family of God is standing strong together!
i somehow wanna hold a "who can sing like Ewan Mcgregor" audition. ive got this hope on marrying someone who can sing like Ewan Mcgregor. His voice is.... HEAVENLY. not only did he sing and act in the moulin rouge, but in other shows, his singing is as spectacular. like, i cant believe a person's voice can be so soothing yet it moves you. im wondering why he is not cutting any albums. he really should. and im gonna be the NO. 1 FAN. :)
About to crash with my beautiful girls!! late night tv, early morning breakfast, fighting for bed space. i love these girls seriously.
Adieu 5:55 PM***
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I try and try to understand The distance in betweenThe love I feel, the things I fearAnd every single dream....Those precious storiesAll the world is made ofFaith and trust and pixie dust...
Adieu 10:55 PM***
Monday, June 19, 2006
i got daddy a really nice brazil jersy since he's supporting them in world cup. and i printed the word "DADDY" behind!!! :):):) i havent got a pic of it yet as i havent figured how to use the new handphone thingy... so.. when i do, i'll be a proud daughter and put it up! i was looking through my digicam. and i realised some interesting photos i forgot all about. its my sexy mom in her folded up pants.
And she even posed for me... awww...

Outing with sis. And as u can tell.. we were forced to take this pic.
And since im on the whole family.... STACY!!!! ultimate loving!!!!

AND I think im cut out for, opera.............

This is just for stress relief.... my brain is filled with scientific terms i dont even know if i can remember.
HOLIDAYS SOON!!! HONGKONG HOPEFULLY SOON!!! AND MALAYSIAN RELATIVES SOON!!! my hols are packed... i really hope i dont have to travel to KL alone seriously... like so scary...
im loving my new handphone. it can edit every single thing... everyday i find out one more plus point for the phone!!! so blessed! i cant contain it!!!
This week has been great... Got to know carita more which is so fun!!! i dunno. it really feels like when u are there for others, God is nearer to you... and its so true!! and i finally felt the real meaning of it!! :):):)
*pressing on to your higher call*
Adieu 9:15 PM***
Saturday, June 17, 2006
two papers down. one more to go.
ive got a new handphone. happy like bird.
oh grace: mad women we are. :) next week next week! lets go bonkers by sticking together.
to chris: ive always disregarded your care and concern for me, but you'd still care no matter what. and not only that, u care for every single person around you. your heart as big as the universe. :)
to Joo: thanks for your love! you are a mixture of sugar and spice and everything nice.
to liz: triple mad woman fun. next week next week!
to lex: happy camping! (even though u cant read this)
to dear sah: cheer up sweet baby girl. your birthday's coming and thats some thing to look forward too!
to da: sushi zoo and camera.
yay! im thinking about fun even before i finish my exams. not good not good...
Back to endless sleepless nights.
*Seek ye first the kingdom of God*
Adieu 12:46 AM***
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Persecutions come like a flood in trying times... its tough cos its all about not breaking down and saying "i give up", but its all on fighting and leaning on the strength of God.. definately emerge was good, but what follows is a devil's what pst said, the devil will test... and he IS testing...
studying is my only hobby for the time being.. i cant go out to enjoy or to have fun or to relax and to release the burdens and moulding that im going through, but its all for a bigger dream, and i know im getting there someway, somehow!!!
Today i met a blind friend, might be an angel i really dont know... but he was the sweetest old man on this planet earth.. we chatted alittle while i walked him to his destination. He was filled with a soft presence of the spirit, and as he talked to me, he was, SO ENCOURAGING. then later we exchanged names and he gave me his name card, and mentioned to meet up for dinner or something and he'd have the chance to bless me!!! so honored but then again of course i wont let him treat me.... hahaha!
Anyway, on his name card it wrote:
"walk by faith, not by sight"Its the simplest verse ever... but only a blind man can bring out the essence of it. and only the touch of an angel would give u that boost.for him, it was literally walk by FAITH not by SIGHT.. and that was exactly what he was doing... and it was kinda like a wake up call straight from heaven.. SCREAMING a verse to get me through the pains and burdens. indeed walk by faith and not by sight... if he can do it, i can do it too...
i was holding back tears as i seperated from my new found friend... i really do wanna meet up and chat with him.. cos he is the sweetest old man ever... he made me see that there is more to life than problems or tribulations, not looking at the things of the earth, but looking towards the things of heaven... with the eyes of faith..
Thank you sweet sir.
Adieu 11:40 PM***
Thursday, June 08, 2006

For all the fun times, sad times, angry times... we stuck through, and no jedi training will part our hearts too yah?
All the guitar train station times, all the touch nose times, all the singing times, all the echo times, the medi kit thing, the haagen daaz, the pluck leg hair arm hair times, all the good times.. will be missed and will not be forgotten.
Thanks for being my support, my protector, my bestest best twin. you're not only gonna be a jedi... u be jedi master now alright?

With lots of sweet twin love.
Adieu 12:58 AM***
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Down an unknown road, to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander, it will lead me to you
And a thousand years, would be worth the wait
It might take a lifetime, but somehow I'll see it through
And I won't look back, I can go the distance
And I'll stay on track, no, I won't accept defeat
It's an uphill slope, but I won't lose hope
Till I go the distance, and my journey is complete
Adieu 2:23 AM***
Monday, June 05, 2006
Emerge was truly good. All about being relevant and not running away from the world. IT WAS AWESOME! and im missing it already.
Emerge PICTURES!!!! ok there's alot... so enjoy!
Day 1:

mr neighbour went with me. the shades arent mine. its his. GAY RIGHT. hahahaa!

And group loving!!!
Adieu 3:43 PM***
DAY 2 (special guests):

Jun Yang. (whoever he is)
Taufik Batisah (Singapore Idol Champion) Who on earth would expect Taufik to come to CHURCH!
And me and lex. we're no special guests. hahaha.
Day 3:
The people on the front line.
Nothing better to do.

i dunno what caption to put for this.
The boys!

Thats really about all. i miss emerge all over again!!!
Adieu 3:01 PM***
Thursday, June 01, 2006
My heart sinks to the lowest pit of helplessness.
Whats RIGHT and whats WRONG.
Selflessness or selfishness.
Calling or Sacrifice.
Desire or Destiny.
Friend or Foe.
Stress or strength.
Compromise or conviction.
Submission or stand.
Then who is it that i should stand up for and who is it that i shall submit to.
Is caring for how others feel actually a strength or a weakness? now this is the all time biggest question in my mind.
This week is the STRESS week... ive got family, church and studies all cramped into one week... my sis is back, emerge is here and study hours to complete... im no superman, i cant do and complete all at once, its really quite not possible unless i let one go or unless i can be at many places at one time. the obvious reason is study hours.
im all pumped up for emerge till my sis arrived.. i really really miss her and is happy to see her... but i'll face all the
" your sis comes back rarely, and you're always in church.."
"why cant u just skip church once for your family.."
"u dont put your family first.."
"we are not important..."
"see your sis loves u so much, but u dont bother about her when she comes back..."
It seriously
STABS MY HEART. IT DOES! like mulitple times with a jaggered knife.
Emerge is here and i need to be in church for four days.. and my sis leaves on the 4 of june which is the last day of emerge. and ive tried spending all that i can with her... and my study hours is so dead.. and i dont even know if its a valid reason. then the last four days she's here i cant be with her. i dunno how, i dunno why, im seen as the "i dont care about my family girl" ... and it sucks to be known that way when it ISNT TRUE.
As i said, im no superman... but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.. then what... am i weak? Then again when we are weak, He is strong.
It seems like u will understand and it seems like you wont. i dunno who to confide in, i dunno where to run to, where to hide, where to seek the place of serenity, where the pressures of the world cant get to me except the Holy Spirit. i need that place urgently. Secret place yes... but how i wish it was a physical place, with nothing but good scenery and cooling air, with NOTHING IN THE WORLD TO TOUCH ME. but that would be quite impossible.
Go ahead and think "oh my goodness this girl is weak and pathetic" , but when im weak then He is strong. i cant do this on my own... increase my faith, imcrease my love, increase my wisdom and decrease my pride. Its not what people think, but what You think.
I want to go back to when i was 5 years old again. seriously. Where Jesus was my best and only friend with nothing else in the world that could break the bond.
I wished i had my childlike brain, where my world and His were as one. No rational thoughts, no thoughts of the impossible, no thoughts of the world is a broken down place... But only thoughts of everything is possible when Jesus is with me.
desire and sacrifice. urgh. just take my heart to the altar and burn it or something. i give my all.
Yes, i do get sad, i do get angry, i do get frustrated with the things of the world cos i have emotions and feelings. so mind me.
*on bended knees, teach me Your ways. *
Adieu 2:58 PM***