Due to circumstances around me, thus... this will be a long entry.
Everyone has their fears and worries i realised, everyone's feeling down and out, weak and hopeless... and seemingly wondering why their lives are now stuck in a rut.
Some feel worthless..
some worry...
some feel exhausted...
some anxious for the future...
some confused...
some frustrated...
some unloved..
most are lost and somehow the passion to fight on just looses its power..
Anyways, point is.. as i was walking home and thinking about a passage in the bible that says our Lord is our KING, FATHER, HUSBAND and FRIEND. and of course our saviour.
Considering these five, i pondered on the roles of each of them. in my personal interpretation..
A King - fights for the justice of the righteous, and restores peace when hurt and anger was unrightly placed upon them.
Father- To guide and to teach and help achieve his's children's dreams and desires.
Husband- To shower unconditional love, and forever not be seperated from you, because of a covenant. to be a constant support.
Friend- to bring fun, joy, laughter and good company.. a person where u can relax with and just be yourself.
Saviour- need i explain? To save. period. to save is to rescue, to seperate you from danger, to seperate you from the hurt, and knowing everything is going to be fine.
Now, if God is all these at once... our king, father, husband, friend and saviour, what to we have to worry about?
If u feel unrightly treated by others and feel hurt or angry? He is our king.
If u feel lost and anxious for the future? He is our father.
If u feel rejected, unloved, running low on morale, worthless? He is our Husband.
If u feel stressed, and cooped up? He is our friend.
If u feel like you've got no where to turn and is at the end of the line, at the breaking point? He is our saviour.
So what excuse have we got, on not rejoicing every single day of our lives, or fret? yes we may go through times of tribulation, but rejoice! for He has already won the battle, He is everything that we could ever ask for, He is here to suit our every need, to be so humble and serve us in every area.. whats not to rejoice, when the creator of heaven and earth has come to serve us lovingly and willingly. whats there to fear?
Easier said than done right? i know totally how moods and emotions can suck us dry, to refuse to rejoice and bear a good testimony, or to be "godly" so to speak, when the reality of this "God forsaken world" hits... The truth is... God did not forsake, and never will..
we even have a choice of who to run to.. isnt this great... FREEDOM OF CHOICE OK... if u need a king/judge, He is there.. if u need.. a father, He is available.. if u need a saviour, He is always on the alert! but the thing is, U GOT TO RUN TO HIM.. and u can CHOOSE which one u need to seek comfort from. so good right... so run TO Him, and not AWAY from Him.
If He would forsake, He wouldnt be known as king, father, husband or friend wouldnt He? He wouldnt have sustained the birds in the air, the flowers in the field, the beasts on the earth now would He. if He were to forsake, everything would just be dead. How beautiful this earth is, and the same goes, how beautiful each and everyone of us is... fearfully and wonderfully made. :D
This is just extra k?
LOVE YOU TOO!!!! lame i know lah.... but just a lil love and encouragement from the YAP family.
"Your hope has come into this place...."
Adieu 1:00 AM***
Got a hair cut! to look edgier, funkier, but not JAP. ok. NO JAP. hahahaa!
im thinking of coloring my hair black to that it will look more solid, in a sense, i meant literally solid solid... hee hee.. and thanks to liz sweetie, she did a good photoshop job. :D

So should i? or should i not???? HMMMMMM......

And jas sweetie got her cut too!!! yay! and joo!!! triplets!!! mommy grace got cut her hair too, a little, one that costs 3 bucks. heh.
i do wanna go on and on, but these few weeks, im not really on a roll about blogging... soooooo, tata now!
Adieu 7:01 PM***