Thursday, November 30, 2006
There are happier things in life... Things like stacy and a new born rat.

Then abit not shy.

Then best of friends... hahahaa!

Then reunion of friends!

Results are out! im totally happy about it! and of course the crazy studying did pay off!! :D:D:D

Yet i feel i can still do better!!!! MY HONOURS!!!
i wanna fly... i wanna fly soon...
wherefore art thou offer letter???? :(:(:(
i wanna leave this place...
If i could read your mind
i hope id find
the same love i have in mine
If i could go back in time
id try to find you
and make up for all this wasted time
-Vonda Shepard-
Adieu 7:43 PM***
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tita and i are crazily in love with pocky!!! we buy huge huge sticks of it!!!
Today we had prayer meeting, and i went out with my awesomely funnily cute cell group members for dinner and had a round of pool... im falling more and more in love with them..
they each have like their own unique characteristic which is so distinct and like... lovable!!! and the pool session was REALLY REALLY ENJOYABLE!!! *SCREAMS*!!!
Then guess who i met. JOHNNY BABY!!!!! muahahahaa...

FREE HUG!!! BIG BIG FREE HUG!!!! love love love love love....
Then later i met with alex.. twin twin..

Everything is going to be alright yes??? He has already won the battle.
and i know.. YES U ARE FUNNY LEX. HAPPY? hahaa...
Christmas is coming.....

This year end is really one scary year end... many times i feel like letting go.. especially at the end of the year... but well... keep hanging on..
i always thought that christmas is coming and its going to be a sad sad christmas once again.. but well.. i think im wrong..
i think this christmas is going to be one with screaming fun, laughter and joy. :) Way to go W171 and E345!
Adieu 12:54 AM***
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

This would be a sneak peak of the M.J album which consists of pictures taken within one day!
Where two REALLY COOL and EDGY friends, bored out of their brains needed to go to the library. At the same time, took random pictures of everything and anything that came their way.
Library shot.

Weird man wearing some construction cap in the library.

Miss Clarity! Yummy yum yum. i realise our dinners always have candles!

Then we passed RAFFLES HOTEL. and thats where all the fun was at!

Merry Christmas!

I love cows and cows love me!

Yellow ally!

wee-u-weed shot.

Rooftop! roofs love us and we love roofs!

i dont like masks.. no no... no way.

JOE!! SEE! X box in the back ground omgoodness!! hahaa!

X box! get it get it?!?! hahahahaaa!

It looks like im trying the bite the head off the guy in the back ground. ew.

And thats about it.
I stumble and I crumble and I'm
Sinking to my knees but you
You cradle me
Adieu 12:49 AM***
Monday, November 27, 2006
I can be free
I can be free from this place
Beautiful healer
Beautiful grace
Help me to see
Everything fall into place
Wake me from dreaming
No more deceiving
Break these chains
Adieu 1:50 PM***
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Went for Ai Lian and Ben's wedding... and it was BEAUTIFUL!!! it was exactly what i would want!!! at the beach, and a lovely cocktail dress... it was PERFECT!!!!
now what i lack is a potential husband.

This is at the beach.. not say a very good picture of the whole event, but trust me.. it was pretty pretty...
Then dinner came, and i thought dinner was real good too!

Group picture!

We indeed did enjoy ourselves alot! weddings are just sweet sweet sweet!!
dear johnny,
dont say you're sorry, cos ive taken the path you chose once..
dont say you've hurt me, cos im honoured u chose to share with me..
dont say u feel bad, cos it might be a blessing in disguise..
Im proud that you are piss-ed at
Mr know-it-all-oh-so-holy-holy-man though, that boy doesnt know sense and sensibility, maturity isnt his forte, and the empathy part of his brain just isnt there... period. whats talent without heart? tsk tsk.
What ever choice u make, sometimes it may not seem right, but its our job as friends to support your choice no matter what and hope for the best for you...
so yeah, all the best in every step u take!

love always (and u know it!)
mel :D
to us all who love...
One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other
Sisters and my brothers
One life
But we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other
Adieu 1:36 PM***
Saturday, November 18, 2006

i left for church today hopeful, thinking maybe when i reach church, id feel much better, id feel like my burdens will be lifted..
well i was so wrong. i started crying even before service started and made a really bad first impression i suppose...
and i left feeling worse. feeling so much worse...
but i know ive just got to go on.. i just got to keep walking.. as much as it hurts, as much as it cuts... my legs and my heart just has to keep moving....
and joe, u know what, i may smile and all, but im actually really sad throughout the week, but you were the only person that made my week bright and happy...and i thank you so much for that.
Thanks for the lovely rooftop place u brought me to, it made me feel there are other pretty things in life.. thanks for the movie, thanks for just being there. thanks for not getting angry when im late, thanks for sending/driving me home, thanks for the music, which really perked me up, thanks for your time, thanks for appreciating me the way i am, thanks for everything.
You may not know my problems, you may not know im sad.. but u really helped me go through the week...
thanks again so so much.

and now as i cry... i dont know how im going to wake up tomorrow smiling... i dont know how am i going to keep walking, i dont know how im going to force another smile... but i know ive got to find a way somehow...
God please pick me up. i know you still love me no matter what. and it doesnt matter what other people say.. i know u love me. and i guess thats that.
Adieu 10:04 PM***
Friday, November 17, 2006
ive got all the lovin in the world! YAY!

Joo and i went waxing today.. and i had this horrid impression that waxing of eyebrows hurt like crazy thanks to "extreme makeover". they like over exaggerate seriously...
it totally didnt hurt AT ALL!!! eye brow plucking and threading is so out for me now.. waxing is such a painless way to remove stray eyebrow hairs!
thanks joo my love! hahaa!
"All of the happiness you seek
all of the joy for which u pray,
its closer than you think,
its just a 100 tears away"
Adieu 1:29 AM***
Thursday, November 16, 2006
i just finished watching grey's anatomy...
it was just sad.. so so sad..
a train accident, and a pole struck right through two people, a guy and a girl, and they are stuck together with a pole right through their bodies.
Both people are alive and awake, and can even have small talk while in wait for their operation... the girl can even joke during the wait while the pole crushed through her spine, thus she couldnt feel anything at all. She was the livelier one, the happier one, the one with all the hope in the world...
and the doctors can only choose one to live...
When the doctor had to break the news to her, she had to go, she had to die..
how do u handle that.. when u are alive and joking, still full of life even.. knowing in a few seconds u are going to die... and she even asked the man she was stuck with, if he believed in heaven.. and of course he had to say yes! she was going to die so that he can live!
how are u going to live your life knowing someone had to die so that u can live.
After the doctors seperated them from the pole, some doctors attended to her, while others attended to the guy, but halfway through, they all literally abandoned her, to attend to the guy.. leaving her alone just lying on the cold and hard operating table, till she stops breathing and when they could state her time of death..
and there meredith was screaming her life away saying "we cant leave her to die" over and over again..
its sad how selfish life can get, and how hard hearted doctors have to be. to choose who gets to live and who gets to die..
how do u choose, for something like that, to say who lives and who dies?
"if love is enough, id be there with you..."
Adieu 1:30 AM***
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Topic about tattoos...
you know, some people have some demented mindset on tattoos. i mean, tattoos are just pictures.. but like some "others" think that tattoos are evil and like EVIL. OH PLEASE.
its like as if they think tattoos can crawl out of a person's skin and into their brains and whisper evil thoughts to the person's mind or something, like "GO JOING GANG, OR GO STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY".. are tattoos BAD?!?! NO WHAT?!!??!
its just sad to get criticized on the level of criminals, like "oh you got tattoo means BAD BAD BAD." like hello?
Its even more disappointing when the people who know u inside out criticise you as BAD also.
Compare a person WITHOUT any tattoos, and he goes round stealing and manipulating and raping people.. and then acts sweet and innocent.. isnt he SO SO SO SO MUCH MORE EVIL than people covered with tattoos and have the strongest morals, like getting up for elderly during a train or bus ride, caring for the sick and all????
Its sad that no matter how good u are as a person, or no matter how hard u try to prove yourself, and even with POSITIVE RESULTS, someone u know comes along and just basically says you are turning bad because of a picture in your body... HOW SAD IS THAT?!!?!?!?
it just seems to me that a murderer without tattoos is better off in this world than a KIND soul covered with tattoos. demented isnt it?
Someone whose skin is as flawless as a white dove can have a heart as evil as hell, and some people covered with tattoos are as kind as an angel, but are judged like the devil. what is this world coming too.
walking on the streets, i bumped into some ah lian with NO tattoos, she'd probably give me some mean look, but today i bumped into a girl with a huge tattoo, and yet she was nice enough to smile at me and said "its ok" when i said sorry.. SO WHO IS THE BETTER PERSON? THE PROUD AH LIAN WITH NO TATTOOS? OR THE POLITE GIRL WITH TATTOOS?!?! HUH?!
To someone i love:u either make or break my world. the words u say form how u see me in my mind. your words either build me up or bring me down because u mean much to me. and now it seems to me that im not worthy, im not good enough. whether u really feel so i dunno, but your words do cut. im trying my best to be MY BEST. and yet it seems because of a tattoo u think im not good enough. but im trying. why cant i be myself, why cant u respect my decisions, why cant u see more of my good points? its not as if i take drugs or steal or go beat up people right? why am i also not good enough in your eyes because of a TATTOO? is my skin more important than my heart? Could u answer this question?i hope u know its you... i need alittle more encouragement to know u'll love me and support me even if i choose to cover myself with tattoos (but of course i wont). ....................................................................
im just disappointed to be judged by someone who knows me inside out.
if some random person judges me, its still okay, cos he/she doesnt know me... but if u know and understand me, then why because of a picture, because of art, because of something i choose to do, make me bad in your eyes? why cant i be accepted fully and wholly.
why do tattoos make people bad? there's just no sense to this.. everyone is the same, people make decisions to do evil things because of the heart, and not because of a TATTOO.
thats that.
this world is warped.
This world is in need of loads more huggin and lovin. its way tooo cynical for everyone's good.
Adieu 10:38 PM***
Monday, November 13, 2006
"River deep, could I know you as well as you know me
Constantine, will we travel faster, farther than these
Legs could ever trustworthy be"
Adieu 3:33 AM***
Sunday, November 12, 2006
The day before yesterday was baldwin's bday.. so happy birthday!
but thats not the main point...
main point is... that all time bickering couple is actually so much in love! u could see the love in their faces lah goodness! like this AURA man... *envy*
i can still remember the quarrels, the bad bad times and every single nasty tramatising situation... but still u guys came out strong. and i guess thats all that matters. :)
it was just sweet lah, the whole thing and all... and who would think that after all that they have gone through, it was worth it.
cheers to the colorful couple! lizzy and baldy!
im currently indulging myself in disney hits from way back.. and i just cant help it but love disney cartoons and songs... right joo?!
they are always so hopeful.. like any other fairy tale... yes... but still, it gives hope that everything will always turn out wonderfully wonderful.. especially with love..
And why didnt they have cartoons on tigers?!?! the only tiger i can remember is princess jasmine's tiger from aladdin. and its name is RAJA. why cant it have a cool-er name?!
stacy chewed the shoes u gave me liz.... im devastated to the core... :(
Adieu 3:07 AM***
Friday, November 10, 2006
Sometimes your world seems to be slowly coming down on you.
Often at the end of the year, you'll tell yourself the next coming year is going to be a better year, and yet.. it seems like its getting worse everytime.
anyway, there are happier things to look forward to. i hope. :D
Spent time with my daddy a few days ago...
My awesome awesome dad allowed me to choose a more expensive overseas course! YAY! handsome huh. :):):):)

As imperfect as he, and everyone else is, i wouldnt want to exchange him for the world. love love love love love you!!! (its not because he's willing to send me overseas k? its course i truly DO love him, even with my small small heart.)
Then he brought me to some rotating restaurant which i forgot what name it is... which was real real real sweet!!!

And check stacy out.. she can be model already... if singapore were to have Singapore's CUTEST PRETTIEST Dog model, stacy would win.

*heart melts*

i really really wanna go india... my orphanage and tigers!!!!!!!!!! YAY YAY YAY!!!
When im REALLY RICH, i'll get a pet tiger for the kids in the orphanage... and his name will me RAWR. and maybe i'll get him a sexy wife, and she can be called CAT. and they'll have lovable babies and the children in my orphanage can play or RIDE on them!!! HOW COOL IS THAT HUH!?!? HUH!?!?!?
and my tigers will be the most gentle tigers on the face of this earth, and they will protect my orphange from evil people that would want to break in. yes they will.
my orphanage is THE coolest orphanage man.
Adieu 2:14 AM***
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
OMGOODNESS!!! my dad said i can go overseas to study!!!!! YAY!!!
but though i havent enrolled and its still not exactly confirmed, the fact that he allows me and will try to pay for me IS A HUGE DEAL ALREADY!!! just that he's unsure of the funds required...
AH!!! ive leaped ten steps ahead!!!
But then again, i feel bad... the amount is so much, i feel like im sucking away my parent's finance.. :(
when my dad said yes, i leapped for joy, then slowly reality sank in.. on like, they have to fork out so much on me.. am i being selfish, am i only thinking for myself?
its what i
REALLY want, but then.. what about my parents. my mom? my dad?
now ive got to get everything done asap, and everything is all over the place.. so many stuffs i'll need to settle and rush deadlines to enroll on campus by the start of next year.. everythings not confirmed and in a blur, im unsure of how soon things will be, will i be prepared?
ok. now i dunno to be happy or not..
i am leaping for joy in my heart, but yet, i feel like-- do i even deserve this blessing........ its like a toll on my parents...
i guess ive got to look toward my dream, my vision, my God, rather than my circumstance..
Then again, its not only my circumstance, but my parents...
oh lord.
Adieu 9:32 PM***