Saturday, March 31, 2007
Hey now, the past is told by those who win
My darling, what matters is what hasn't been
Hey now, we're wide awake and we're thinking
My darling, believe your voice can mean something
Say hello to good times...
-jimmy eat world-

i realised my balanced healthy lifestyle is quite gone....ive been spending most of my time in books or jogging, and... thats about it..
Thanks to deadlines of assignmentSSSSS that all land on the same day.. thats about it for playing for me...
I could only hope, im growing smarter and healthier by the day...
Happy thing is... my tigers are left with one more session and they are FINALLY DONE!!!!.
Go baldwin go!!!
Adieu 7:52 PM***
Sunday, March 25, 2007
These were the words from my wise and VERY VERY.. VERY.. I MEAN VERYYYY handsome lecturer from australia, who's words and EVERYTHING ELSE melted my heart...
The only way to study about love, is to study about loss....
I suddenly wanna study in australia... gippsland campus please....
i feel proud of myself these few days, or weeks rather... i find im having quite a fulfilled healthy lifestyle.
i've been doing all the healthy stuffs about life.. EXCEPT a healthy diet of course...
And like the typical good healthy girl i am i did:
- jogging
- walking, bathing, feeding stacy
- studying
- met up with friends
- hanging out with mom
- playing puzzle bobble
- and most recent .. watching south park.
ON A CONSTANT BASIS MIND YOU. not once a while.
im WORKING HARD, PLAYING HARD and EXERCISING HARD at the same time.. and i thought that was impossible. happy and content i am.
And whoever said south park's satanic is a down right liar. my gosh. that comment alone made me miss out on south park all my life.. till recently when johhny psyched me into watching one episode last year...
i still remember, when young... everytime south park appears on tv, i'll change the channel. that was HOW i AVOIDED south park cos it was "satanic".
i realise, when people cant take honest truths about the world.. they just say, its satan, and it settles everything.
oh well.
not that im helping satan of course.. i do abhor him still.
South park actually does talk about good morals, and family love and what nots... how is that satanic... its just that south park talks about the negative reality in life as a funny way..
okay... just in case u people want to play buzzle bobble. the link is HERE.
If u people wanna watch all episodes all seasons of south park, its HERE.
If u people wanna watch episodes of OTHER stuff, like heroes or prison break or what nots... its HERE.
Adieu 12:48 PM***
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I was on my way to school one morning and started thinking about life.
i realised that actually
with lots of money, lots of love and lots of health,
a person can do many great things for this world.
saddest thing.
most rich people dont have that much love,
and most loving people dont have that much money.
Of course there are exceptions lah..
Moving on...
Im being a poser

So dont say.. OMG IS MEL SMOKING!??!
no she isnt..
i had a good meeting up day with friends a few days ago i think.. haha!
Thus i had to take down lovely memorial photo's right..
It started with studying with wanyi... Hardworking people we are..

It was the end of our so called mugging when our heavenly ice cream arrived.

After fattening myself up with cream and sugar... i met the EXTREMELY SLIM kj.
i mean... what a way to rub the fact in that "I'M SO FAT."
Then we met yisheng. hee.. who happens to be slim too. :(

The nonsense trio.

Since yisheng is entering NATIONAL SERVICE. Congrats on that.
we made an extremely abrupt decision to stay over at his place..
and of we go to kj's place to get clothes.

i found kj's love shrine. hahahaa! sweet like like.. the chipmunks.

After stopping at kj's place, it was my place we went..

Finally.. reunion... ahhhh..bliss...

And yes.. this is as stupid as it gets..
kj dont kill me.. im not any good looking either..

i find this entry is about how i spoilt my whole salad diet..
Continuing on...
On another day..
Off to hogs breathe cafe joe and i went..

Happy i was before i ate and when i was eating...
regret caught up quite quickly as well.

And then it was desserts!!!

All in all.. nice lovely GLORIOUS fattening days!!!
And as hannial likes to say...
Adieu 11:08 PM***
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
We finally reunite after a long long long while... Day of Hannibal rising!!!!
Tee hee..

The boys...

Headed on for food before the movie....

After the movie, we went for a drink which i obviously am unable to do.. so sadly, i just sat there looking at the boys enjoying their alcohol. Something which im HIGHLY allegic to. yes i am.

My act of sophistication kicked in as i was desperately trying to find something to do..

And thank God joe found some stuff for me to do... monkey see, monkey do...

Later on at night, as joe headed to get the car so that we can all go home safely.. we helpfully abandoned him at the sight of a playground, leaving him out on all the fun.
Being 20 years old, we just cant help ourselves...

Then i had the chance to meet up with alex and xin xin after an afternoon of studying at the library... OH ARENT THEY THE SWEETEST.
We decided we'd love taking a photo with spiderman...

Then proceeded to retarded-poses photo taking session... conveniently cutting spidey out of the picture.

okay.. with the happy stuff aside...
my weight can kill and elephant.
Adieu 12:56 AM***
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Read this if only u are interested in
hannibal OR psycho killers...Cos its going to be long long long..
i watched hannibal rising.. and it got me thinking... alot...
Apart from young hannibal lecter being the most charmingly suave man on the universe, in intellect, demeanour and speech, he's actually the saddest saddest kid ive ever met.
im not being bias here just because he looks good.. before watching hannibal rising, i thought hannibal (anthony hopkins) was just some sick sick man that likes to eat people.. but after knowing his past, i find.. those people deserve to get eaten, and i dont find him BAD in anyway any more, as long as he's not eating ME of course.. he's just a very hurt and angry man.
And i give him a plus point for being smart at what he does as well.. after going through all the trauma, he turned out to be sophisticated in mannerisms (exception for table manners) and has a PH.D for goodness sake. He plays with people's minds like mouldable clay and can solve police cases in the quickest way possible!
He's calm, cool, smooth and smart.. and the movie makes it seem he is invinsible..he cant be trialed cos he's a psychopath, so he's never going to die before his time... he ALWAYS wins a fight and eats his prize ravagely, he's like superman(invinsible), in a twisted way.. his anger seems to give him exceptional abilities in strength.. And i find he eats people for a reason.. he doesnt RANDOMLY eat anyone anyway! He does have respect for people he deems deserving of respect and seemingly does seem to CARE!! if u think about it..
my new idol.
not that im saddistic of course.. but at the same time it doesnt give anyone the right to go out and start killing others because of a sad childhood.. hannibal is an exception, and hannibal IS humane in MANY MANY ways.. GO WATCH THE FREAKING SHOW!!! the ending is way cool, the music and all...
JOO: u MUST watch hannibal rising!!!! must must must must must!!! i wanna get into one of our in-depth conversations about him with you!!! i wanna watch the whole series of hannibal now..
Thus my new aim in life would be... maybe after i graduate.. i would wanna work in prison with those prison inmates... and maybe have a glimpse of their lives and make a difference.. TA DA!!!
Then go back to working with kids.. hopefully.. hahahaa! im one confused girl.
Its true how we always call murderers, rapists EVIL or CRAZY when we dont know what they went through themselves.. u never know if THEY got raped, or their parents tortured them when they were only kids.. u just never know..
its a whole different story though if u are the victim of a murder or rape.. i highly doubt i would be typing all this if i almost got murdered or raped.. id probably be bitter and enraged and would definately NOT bother about how pitiful their childhood is...
oh well... mankind is confusing enough already.. i shall not go into the victims side of the story...
okay!! im off to surprise my mom...its her birthday in a few minutes time!!!
Adieu 10:47 PM***
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
To those that need an answer.. Everyone keeps asking, what's it all about?
I used to be so certain and I can't figure out
What is this attraction? I only feel the pain
There's nothing left to reason and only you to blame Will it ever change?
Cause I am barely breathing
And I can't find the air
I don't know who I'm kidding
Imagining you care
And I could stand here waiting
A fool for another day
But I don't suppose it's worth the price,
The price that I would pay
But I'm thinking it over anyway... i need to believe i can be free..
Adieu 10:51 PM***

I heart balloons many many.. ...
Updates once again..
extended a tattoo...

meet three of the mod crew..

Then a little sheesha fun..

liz attempted to do emo shots for me... which er.. werent really successful. i suck with emo shots.

And little perky elise teo.

Tigers were also continued...

Then.. ITS CLASS TIME!! ive never been happier to start studying again.
Meet the shy.. and the not so shy...

And a new semester has began!

i came home today STUDYING.. my gosh... i cant believe im starting studying THIS early in the sem... im on a ROLL!!!
im a nerd, and im proud of it.
A STUDENT!!! !!! so happy for you!! all the studying like mad paid off!! :):):)
Adieu 9:53 PM***
Sunday, March 04, 2007
"Sometimes your Heaven is Hell and you don't know why..." After coming back from KL, ive suddenly got the urge to play the nintendo pokemon game...
oh somebody save me and help me ease this ravenous craving....
How to Help:-pass me a nintendo gameboy with the pokemon game included.
-send/email me the computer version of the game.
thank you all many many.
So much for me wanting to act my age... seriously, im acting my shoe size now...
Adieu 9:40 PM***