Sunday, May 27, 2007
Updates on past few days.
Well, the meeting up of 5 of us, became 3. :(:(:(:(
i dont need to say much. the beach. New Asia Bar. 70 stories up in the air, its BEAUTIFUL!!!!

FYI, my drink's not alcoholic. well, whats new.
Ive just completed my last rush of assignments and now exams are gonna start. After exams, its gonna be a whole new kind of rush again... everythings a rush.
After exams though, i get to go to m'sia again to visit my lovely cute and cuddly cousins, then afterwhich im heading to dubai to visit by beloved sis, then hopefully, i get to go hong kong once more to visit my family friends there.
All these in preparation for my long leave to canada... and after all those short trips, i need to run around singapore to get my visa and clothes and what nots u need in order to study overseas. yes.. i dont think i can even breathe.
And in the midst of all those things, i might not even wanna leave in the end! Some internal conflict i have in my brain, as much as i seem like i wanna go (to joe), but i do lie in my bed and think about everyone i love and need (you people naturally know who u are), and realise their not going to be an hour away from me, its going to be 22 hours and an expensive plane flight away. i think about when its time to pack my stuff in my luggage, and i swear, im gonna pack and cry.. its like packing myself away...
Thinking about it, Its not like i can say, "hey lets meet at city hall!" and BAM, we're all happily together, taking photos, roller blading, hitting one another (okay, thats specially for yisheng), chatting and eating.. its gonna be more of like, eh lets meet at 8 pm on SKYPE. LIKE ... SKYPE?!?!
i might miss God knows how many weddings (most likely liz's since bald's so excited.. hahaha), how many births (lein, im waiting for the baby!!), how many... i dunno what other events to miss.... :(
But thinking about it agian, It was about 2 years ago when i saw a God given vision of myself in Canada (dont ask me how i know that), and i thought it was impossible... i mean seriously...but in the end i realised... never ever doubt God. And plus, he sends and blesses me to one of canada's best uni.... if He gives, He gives THE BEST to his children, and i sooooo agree...
You know its from God, when its the best you can recieve.
Yisheng- Yes i would still want to fly, if your reason is to bring EVERYONE PUBBING FOR CHICKS HUNKS AND DRINKS. cos i DONT NEED CHICKS (well duh), HUNKS (hee hee.. ) and DRINKS (well duh again ). id miss hitting you when u just finish a tattoo though.
Adieu 1:45 PM***
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
OMG OMG!!! no shit! i recieved another offer letter... AND....i got accepted into my top choice school!!!!! and i was sulking before because i thought i might not get in!!!yay!!!! HELLO TORONTO CANADA!!!!! HELLO SNOW DURING CHRISTMAS!!! but i'll freeze my butt off.sah sah- trips to each other's place, woo hoo!!!This time, im really happy about it. :):):):):)
Adieu 2:09 PM***
Sunday, May 20, 2007
okay... this is a tincy wincy bit over dued.. but HAPPY BIRTHDAY COUSIN!!! let me explain the pictures before they are seen.. we are not ACT CUTE JAPANESE POSERS OKAY. We were in fact kinda mocking it. dont take this personally okay if you happen to ADORE doing japanese cute poses... we were high on buffet food.
happy birthday coz!!!Now.. let me introduce my hunky uncle whom i simply LOVE ALOT!!
AND TA DA!!! TWIST TWIST LEH!!! from my uncle.
moving on...
i saved an abused dog a few days ago.. now whats new.
i should seriously consider setting up an animal shelter.
Introducing RANDOM. yeah, i named him RANDOM. i fed him, bathed him, and loved him, and was his chew toy...

But.. he ended up in SPCA... he was too fiesty for stacy.. him being so huge.. he could bite stacy's head off. Random left me with a gazillion scars from his rough wrestling antics.
i concluded he should be healthy and young and lovable enough to be set up for adoption...
HE'S SUCH A SWEETIE!!!!! and now he's not with me.. :(
Jas was a great help for calling spca for me..thanks love!!! i wouldnt be able to do it on my own..
i have this desire to keep all the animals i can when i grow up and when im really rich.
i recieved an offer letter to canada..
im happy, but not jumping for joy.
should i stay or should i go. - the clash
Adieu 2:22 AM***
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Just quick updates before i sink my head in assignments again.... And if you're really bored then continue on, cos the things im gonna type about is going to be pretty mindless braindead chessy stuff. i had a pretty kick ass dream, mixed with warped characters blended into my subconscious brain. Firstly... i had a pokemon... who "no prize for guessing" happens to be stacy. AND stacy can fly. White pretty wings she had. In my dream, the story goes that if your pokemon has some kind of power, you would have it too. Thus, my power was flying. just that i didnt have nice pretty wings. So i was flying along JURONG with a group of my friends with pokemon's and powers, and when i landed, there's this zombie virus going on... and i happily flew away feeling all powerful that the darn virus and zombies cant get me. Thing is, i cant really kill them, i can only hover above them so i'll be safe. The thing i like about this dream is that its the first dream that i can fly properly in. Usually, in dreams where i can fly, i cant really control my flying power. moving on. okay so... now im into mangosteens ( i dont know if ive got the spelling right) and I LOVE BUBBLES! On the bubbles part, its been a long time since i played with bubbles in the shower, u know how we clutch our hands then open them then blow out a bubble then catch it again with our soapy hands and stay in the shower for eons?? so reminiscing on the fun i had in the past..i decided to start playing with soap bubbles again.. i made a snowman today, and roleplayed a sci-fi scene, where i had power like micah's father in heroes, and my fingers can pass through an invisible shield (the soap bubble) to reach for something that can destroy the WORLD.. one fine day, im going to soap up the walls of my toilet (so that the bubbles wont burst) and blow as many soap bubbles as i possibly can. HAH. I have this secret desire to be anorexic. but i love eating. so .. whatever. :(I wanna have a pure gold heart locket and wear it forever and ever!!! my other one faded. :(:(:(End of mindless stuff. Tmr's mom's day!!! So Happy Mothers Day to all lovely mom's out there!!!! Apparently in the ten commandments, the fifth commandment of "Thou shall honor your father and mother" is apparently the MOST DIFFICULT to obey... i bet all children out there would know what i mean at VARIOUS points in life, especially when we're living under the same roof. But the fact of the matter is, we are DARN BLESSED to be staying under the wings of our parents. Some of us dont have moms or dads or both. im happy enough to have my mom within reach every single day of my life. So to all kids (including myself, i refuse to believe im getting older), good luck with the fifth commandment!
Adieu 10:43 PM***
Monday, May 07, 2007
Im infuriated..
i was just reading some compulsory reading for some ethics assignment, and its about this mother who was sent to jail for killing her son... well... accidentally.. by shaking him too hard, and he died of head injuries.
well.. firstly, she had an IQ of 68.. was physically abused and raped by her actually father and foster father....after having children, she sought help with doctors and family care centers as she could not cope, but no one responded, everyone ASSUMED she was OKAY.
well guess what, due to all the stress and her low intellectual ability and lifetime of abuse, her child died.
NOW... is it HER fault she tried to avoid it by seeking help but no one bothered? is it her fault she suffered as a child then turned out abusive herself??? and now a child died, which could have been avoided if authorities were to be more USEFUL.
and SHE is going to jail.. then who's going to punish her previous caretakers that abused her? who's going to punish the authorities for negligence?
and her family members say "she deserved a longer sentence.."
Who ever said blood is thicker than water... pfft..
im not saying its okay for her to kill her child, she did seek external help, but the professionals didnt bother, so shouldnt they too take the responsibility as well?? and not her carry the blame and shame on her own???
seriously, if im going to grow up working in this line, i need to learn to be objective. dang, its impossible.
Adieu 4:47 PM***
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Finally... After three months.....THE KL PHOTOS ARE UP ON MULTIPLY!!!!click here . (if you're interested in my really cute cousins and a hunky photo of my dad dancing topless.. ahahahaaa!).:)
Adieu 2:56 AM***
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Random "believe it or not" shots from yesterday...1. Believe me or not, we're walking home.
2. Believe me or not, im "piggy-backing" him.
3. See the cup in the above picture? Believe me or not, he had too much to drink and conveniently found a bush.

4. Believe me or not.. this man is afraid of dogs. AFRAID.
6. Believe me or not.... This man is having a headache at that point in time all because of me.
7. Believe me or not.. i have a flower growing out of my head.

so..... Believe or not???
"I feel the earth, move, under my feet..."
Adieu 2:44 PM***
I have come to love
AND i love long walks home. walk walk walk walk walk walkwalkwalk walk walkwalkwalk walk walk walk walk walk walkwalkwalk walk walkwalkwalk walk walk walk walk walk walkwalkwalk walk walkwalkwalk.
Point is.. yes i love walking. home.
Adieu 3:24 AM***
Thursday, May 03, 2007
I was just finishing up on some info for my application to canada.. and... i realised im really torn between kids and convicts.. i dont know who i should aim to help in future when i graduate...Modules i pick are gonna be important.... i hate making choices at such a YOUNG age. Both areas are darn interesting and intriguing... URGH. Kids now have to make choices at age 12. which school, which course, which whatever.. how would they know yet what they'd REALLY WANNA DO!?!?! Well anyway... Thats life. so... kids or convicts??? a lil help please...... And chris.. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! i feel your happiness!!!
Adieu 6:05 PM***
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Dog run day!!!!
3 couples, 3 dogs...
Humans and companions include... bel, jordan, mambo, liz, bald, citrin (how to spell??), mel, joe and stace.
Well.. the huge grass patch at west coast was sooooo wet and muddy, EVERYONE had their fair share of mud everywhere... from FACE all the way to FEET. dogs and humans included.
All in all, when the dogs have fun, the people have fun too.. yay! regardless dirty or clean...

Well well, look what we've got here... mambo caught in the act of..... erm.... yah...
Whatever the picture tells you.

Adieu 1:49 PM***