Monday, July 30, 2007

Hey guys!!! Thanks for the sweet sweet surprise!!!! All the effort and everything... The barney banners and balloons are way cute...
You people never ever ever ever fail to melt my heart.. i love you guys!!!
Nothing beats having friends like family...
And true family.... :)
I really am blessed to have friends and family i know will last a lifetime, till im old, toothless and flabby, that will share with me a ton of experiences, talk, laugh and cry about our achievements and screw ups, and know that im always loved and that i'll always have people to love as well.Thanks so much guys, you people made my birthday beautiful as it can be. Every single one of you.
Adieu 10:27 PM***
Monday, July 23, 2007
"When you're at your lowest, on your knees before God's Judgement,
never forget that His grace is still at work. "
Im happy like a small bratty kid splashing around in rain puddles. I met daddy yesterday for lunch.... and guess what he surprised me with... Daddy (in his fierce usual look): There's a digicam sale downstairs, later we'll go take a look.
Me: That means you're getting me a new camera???!!?! (all excited and hysterical)
Daddy: .... *grins*
See, daddy was suppose to give me his extra digicam.... but in the end, he decided to get me a brand new one of my own!!! OH DADDY DEAREST!!!! and he was sweet enough to go check it out on his own even before he met me!! Well, so.. i expected to get something like less than 300 bucks.. because usually, thats how it is... but noooooooo... daddy went to pick those that were like above 400.. and so, being the greedy hell-on-legs daughter i am.... Meet my new sony DSC-T30 in black! Slide slide somemore.. hee hee.. 
My fierce/strict daddy is so mysteriously sweeeeeet, and funny. When good things happen to me, its a check that God's hands are still carrying me. AM I BLESSED OR WHAT!!!--------
I had an impromptu bbq family outing... and it was real fun!!! Hanging out with family and all just makes my heart tingle with warmth, maybe for the fact that we share a certain percentage of similar genes thanks to my grandparents. 

There's many other freaky deaky retarded shots i didnt put up as i may stand the chance of getting slaughtered by my very own cousin.. :)----------I need to clean my room that's filled with an abyss of dirt and crap which will take forever to pack, clean, organise and categorise oh my goodness gracious me. oh well. And that's the way the cookie crumbles.toodle-lee-do.
Adieu 3:25 PM***
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I got my eyebrows embroided for $577.80.Talk about living the good life. wooo! I LOVE YOU MOMMY DEAREST!! haha.. okay, i know i might seem materialist and easily bought over... but REALLY, my mom blesses me so much, thinking about it, a mother's love is amazing.. and its really starting to touch/win my heart. im a gift person okay i admit. PFFT. well, ive got a bible verse to prove my point, "for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matt 6:21." See, my mom's placing her treasures on me, and thats where her heart is too, its with me!!! <3.>
Id miss my mom's picking on small nitty gritty things when im away from home, or her opening my room door and start rambling on about what stacy trashed in the living room.
When im in canada, firstly i would have NO DOOR TO OPEN within the studio apartment, only a toilet door perhaps, and no more mommy to come knocking on whatever door i even have.... :(
Which reminds me, my visa's like all over the place. darn.
Adieu 12:19 AM***
Friday, July 13, 2007
Hurry home from Philippines!!! NOW NOW NOW. Your country needs you my good man. you're missed. :)Ive been up and about... and the best part is ive been hanging with my best buds, so its a real good thing.. and also im doing alot of shopping/hanging out with my mom, which is another good thing.. and ive got my results back and its another good thing..joe's gone for some training thing, which is good for him which is good for me too... everything is going swell, so far so good. My father God in heaven is with me amen hallelujah praise the lord oh mighty God im rambling.Well so, i went out with ning one fine night last week i think. And meet the sweet korean girl friend of mine.

Its kinda obvious we share something in common... we love taking photos together.
Tomorrow, im going over to my yongest cousin's place to crash because her parents are out of town. oh yay! and she has a really good place to watch DVDs, and she has a really adorable dog, and i can visit my grandma and i can er... just slack around a really huge house with many many flights of stairs that i can climb up and down and loose some darn gross ugly weight.
Im rambling. i dont know why im rambling, maybe because my brain is currently highly active maybe due to a sugar rush from putting one too many donuts down my fat throat within a few minutes (so much for loosing weight) and my fingers are feeling extremely nimble i feel like i could type on and on and on and forever more and never wanna stop.
okay i should stop.
My 9pm show is starting.
oh hell, goodbye, toodle-lee-do!
Adieu 8:33 PM***
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I learnt a new song, its from Lamb Chops Play Along! (if anyone still remembers)..and this is how it goes.. This is the song that doesnt end..Yes it goes on and on my friend..Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was..and they'll continue singing it forever just because..This is the song that doesnt end.. Yes it goes on and on my friend..Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was..
and they'll continue singing it forever just because..This is the song that doesnt end.................. blah blah blah... yup... it doesnt really end. in the mood to finally blog properly, instead of the usual one line captions describing my days.. so here goes.. Malaysia is cancelled due to mom's saying that there's alot of disease infested mosquitoes because of the flooding. Dubai is cancelled because of i dont know what. And hongkong is cancelled due to avian flu. so basically... im staying put.. BUT I WANNA GO SEE MY COUSINS AND MY GRANDPARENTS IN MALAYSIA!! darn it.Happy thing is, i'll be seeing daddy in about 2 weeks time!! yay!!! and hopefully my sis's coming back... .........There's a question lingering in my head.... Can someone please tell me what on earth is "KE KE" that people use online while communicating??? (no offence)I asked wanyi, and she said : "ke ke" is like.. choked laughter. How on earth is that relevant in any way???!?!? goodness... oh wells. KE KE!! (im choking on my laughter.) im being sarcastic.
Adieu 12:00 PM***
Monday, July 02, 2007
The place im at has artsy fartsy stuff...
A lizard which i randomly will name Izzy...
And ta dah!!! everything is finally done...
i was moaning and groaning my life away.. and its finally complete!!! From october 2006 (i think) all the way to June 2007. omg. the pain.
Thanks Baldwin for everything!!! You the Best Best Tattoo artist ever!! im a very good supporter.
Thanks love for being around to let me hold your hand, crumple your shirt, pinch your finger and buying supplements for me..
And Thanks liz for all the previous times you were around!!! Your presense was a great support. plus potato salad and whatever food u always prepare.
Sah- i'll email the picture to you when i get a nice one.. the pics in my cam now's like all shots of blood and swollen meat... u know what i mean. hahaa! love ya and see you soon.. YIPEE!!!
Adieu 1:13 PM***