Saturday, September 29, 2007
Who am i kidding.. studying??? Hello pub night at Molly's.... 
Alright, i am studying, and studying everyday on a CONSTANT basis (something which never happens in the past)... just not for that particular night.. heh.. my excuse was that i was cornered into going. yes i was..
Happy news... FALL IS OFFICIALLY HERE!!! YAY!!! The tress are turning color and the whether is turning cooler!!!
Pretty pretty sight..

Well since i couldnt fulfill my dream of getting hockey rollerblades... i replaced the dream with hockey skates!!
Joo! u have the honour of naming my skates since u have that innate ability and fetish to name non living things...
My current activity would be ice skating.. hahaha.. i signed up for ice skating lessons to KNOW HOW TO FREAKING BRAKE, instead of relying on the rim of the rink to crash into... and i wanna brake by slicing the ice! WOO!
My aim would be to be a good enough skater by winter, so that i can skate on the frozen ponds in toronto!!! With the snow falling from the sky and small kids on skates all around meeee!! yay yay yay!!!
Anyways, i met my uncle today for dinner.. and he was telling me about the Sick Kids Hospital which i can do volunteer work in.. and its everything that i dreamt of!!
Its like working with kids that are ill, either with cancer, or those about to go into surgery.. and my job would be to stimulate them in the dull environment of the hospital, by playing with them and encouraging them and bringing them JOY to go on another day!!! OH IM SO HAPPY!
I would wanna take up the challenge, even if it means that i would come home everyday crying because of a kid, and asking God why do such things happen to small children.. i would still wanna try, and strengthen myself and hope to make a difference in some family's life.
So yeah.. everything is falling into place...
Amen. i really cannot thank God enough. im on my knees with gratefulness.
Adieu 10:44 AM***
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Question of the day is.... IS THIS STEVEN SPIELBERG?!?!!?
Well.. apparently when with my friends in aldo (once again).. the shop people were telling us we would get locked in if we dont hurry as they are filming THE HULK 2 outside their shop. So thinking every block buster must be from Mr Spielberg, i saw this man and asked, is that steven spielberg?!!? everyone of course was excited and started taking photos.. When i got back home... i checked online for the director and BEHOLD!!! i dont think he is Steven Spielberg. hahahaa! so everyone ended up taking a photo of some random guy fixing something for the movie..So anyways.. i think canada has the best korean bbq.. of course i have never tried the ones in korea.. but this is good. 
This section is for you grace.... u want more photos of my school... now u got photos of my school. hahaha! touched a not?

From this day forth!! i will not be able to blog as often..... sigh... because of my enthusiasm for school and homework, with the wish of achieving first class honors and a scholarship to lift the burden of my dad, i would officially be constantly studying and keeping up with what ever needs to be done.. yes... ---------And i owe this to my twin.. twin- As much as we dont seee each other very often in comparison with last time where we see each other's face almost every single day, i know that we have something good and special to hold on to. The stupid things we did around sengkang and maybe on the church bus always makes me laugh and think how can two people be that retarded, but what the hell, we had good memories. And alex, you really know how to give meaning to the words "free spirit", and sometimes when im with you in public, as much as you can get a tad bit loud, but u dont care, and it shows how much you just give yourself to fun and enjoyment. i somehow see it fading away, so please dont ever let that part of you go okay?
Adieu 9:01 AM***
Monday, September 10, 2007
For the first time in my life, my dad got upset because i didnt contact him in a week and that i didnt tell him how was my orientation and how i was doing.... ONE WEEK. Usually we dont even talk for weeks unless he is in town. For the first time in my life, i felt he really wanted to know his daughter. For the first time in my life, i feel like my dad walked right back into my life.I made a prayer when i was a kid.. that my dad would come back. And even though God answered the prayer like 15 years later... God still answered it.I called him after i got his email, and we chatted, and i felt like i had a father and a friend.. He was LAUGHING on the phone and all and i was rambling on and on about things that happened... it felt nice. My dad never laughs when we talk in the past.. but he did today. In the past we just sat and talked about school and financial stuffs and thats about it. Today we talked about deeper stuff, and though it was short, i love it to the core. and then he said "remember to write to me once in a while..".My aunt was telling me about how my dad would light up everytime he saw us when we were kids.. his face would glow and he would show us off. I realised just recently that there were photos of my sister and i on his work desk and proudly telling people about us.In the past my dad's heart would melt everytime i mention something about our family and he would do something sweet for me in his own way, just to heal the wound...
I never knew or notice these things.. i always thought my dad was just fulfilling responsibility when he met up with us..
Well he wasnt.. i guess he really loved us in his own secret mysterious daddy manly way.
I never thought such a day would come, where my dad would wanna know whats going on in my life, for a week even.. and one fine day the miracle just casually strolled in.
So, never give up on a prayer because God has really good memory and he never forgets.. no matter how long it matter how painfully long the wait is. The longer the wait.. the better the miracle...
This would be the best thing that ever happened in my ENTIRE life.
This is the begining of a something wonderful. I cant wait to call him again..
i love my dad so so so much.
Adieu 11:37 AM***
Sunday, September 09, 2007
A week's of orientation is over and finally im home!!! I stayed in school's residence for like a whole week, and culture shock hello. Call me dumb dumb but the bathrooms are co-ed. Like boys walking into toilets with girls wrapped in towels kind of co-ed...and we had condomSSSSSSS in our frosh kits. uh huh.. anyhoos... hello UNIVERSITY COLLEGE FALCONER HOUSE!!! 
We blocked traffic, sat on busy road intersections blocking cars from getting to work, holding signs like "Honk if you're horny", "im sure your boss will believe you" ... running into shopping malls shouting absurd cheers like " UC UC what do you say, lets have an orgi hey hey hey."
So yeah... my college is.. er.. in touch with their sexuality. Its really much much worse.
Oh wells, classes are starting and i cant wait.. I cant wait to start learning again and like reading my textbooks!! but when exams come... then, its a different story..
I need my dose of Torey Hayden.. so if u guys wanna send me a gift.. let it be one of Torey Hayden's books from kino.. its cheap and good. yay! thats because apparently they dont have Torey Hayden here... sigh.. the sadness of it all..
okay goodbye!
Adieu 8:25 AM***
Friday, September 07, 2007
Short update.. 

Im bummed out by orientation.. and need some rest..
But alls fun and whoa no kidding it took the energy out of everybody, omg.
Back to school!!!
Adieu 11:10 AM***
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Well, its the first day since i landed that i finally got the whole day to myself at home... so i decided to be a good grown up girl. I ran around doing my banking and stuffs, got some home necessities, did HOUSEWORK (im proud of myself) and finally take a breather, sit back and eat tortilas. heh. And take photos.

i love my place as you guys can tell..Some more photos, and this is in Unionville!! these small villages are so pretty! They are on the outskirts of toronto. Toronto is far from flowers and trees and pretty cottages.

And this is my friend whom ive met during our health check in sg and been each other's company for the past few days.. and no prize for guessing what we've been doing...
SHOPPING of course. heh. 

Anyhoos, something exciting happened today..
While i was in some dollar store getting stuff, some guy was chasing another guy, and they started fighting.. and mind you they were like an arms length away from me and i almost got knocked down when they were running about... so it was full of action and the good guy pinned the bad guy on the floor and was yelling CALL THE COPS!! CALL THE COPS!!!And the other one who was getting strangled kept saying I CAN PAY FOR IT!
Finally, the thief got away by taking off his shirt... and the cops never came. or rather i didnt stay on the see if the cops came. And through out, my heart was in my mouth, because they were so near me and i prayed so hard nothing will come flying in my thank God for his protection...
it was exciting though..
oh well.
I keep wanting to say this, i love my dad!! i love my uncle johnny!! and i love my aunt jen!!! and i love my other family members here because they make me feel so at home!!! YAY!! i can never be luckier..
i seriously Thank God for my dad. well, my dad attempted to try to bond with me, it was hilariously weird, but it was sweet. He's soft on the inside and REAL STERN on the outside, but whatever it is, his heart will melt for his children!
tee hee.
Adieu 5:58 AM***