Sunday, December 30, 2007
the next time i update, id be back in toronto! home sweet home!! and hello house work. :(by that time it would be the NEW YEAR!! :)and then school starts :( then school term ends :) and then BACK TO MY REAL HOME SWEET HOME SINGAPORE!!! YEAHHHH! :D:D:D:D ..................yiwen and i are having a ball of fun in kingston. our next aim is to make a snowman ... HOPEFULLY. im too lazy to upload pics now. ...................i hate trust. trust isnt a good thing.. cos it might disappoint you. anytime, anywhere. its difficult to trust. and people say trust is good.. well.. its good in a way.. but.. its tiring. its hurtful, its.... ....(i have no words to fill this space on how i feel, blame it on the limited vocabulary). basic trust is okay, like i trust the food thats cooked by the restaurant chef wont be giving me stomach aches.. but trusting people.. its never certain.. its sad. then the philosophy comes in about the very nature of trust is to be uncertain.. sheesh. and the ironic thing is, its not as if im a very good person to trust in anyways. i might very well have disappointed tons of people that trust me. and here i am complaining on how difficult it is to trust others. OH LIFE.................on a lighter note
LIZ: happy birthday!! cos im not gonna have internet on your bday.. so in advance to you. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
NING: HAPPY BELATED BDAY!! thanks for always thinking of me.. you touch my heart. i promise many many dog walks. :DCHRIS: HAPPY NEW YEAR. HAHAHA! and thats the end of your post. nah im kidding.. hahah! you're not a door mat by always being around. you're like my gaurdian angel. :) in the morning i see you, in the night i see you, its like God sent. HAPPY NOT? SATISFIED?
Adieu 3:16 PM***
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
After a good turkey with cranberry dinner, we played SCATERGORIES. and i loved it!! i laughed till my lungs could pop! and my team won all the rounds!!! YAY!!
meet the beautiful and best people of KINGSTON, all in our party hats!!!!

This is our team leader!

and meet the two STANDARD POODLES.

As u guys can tell im really excited cos all my sentences are ending with exclamation marks...
I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!! and hello boxing day SALES!!!
Adieu 1:00 PM***
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

im into the seasonal colors :)
im getting fatter and fatter and christmas is getting merrier and merrier!
Bring on the cookies, cakes, and ham!!!
i miss everybody!!
joe- we may not be together on christmas but its okay! i love you and i know you love me too.. thanks for the call that woke me up in my sleep to wish me merry christmas, its the sweetest. you mean much to me, and i'll treasure your big big heart!
grace- wah your call.. heart melt. enjoy yourself in korea dear!! emjoy your self as much as u can and let loose! u deserve it my baby girl (although you're the one always lookin out for me)! push away the stresses and check out cute korean boys (david im kidding, i love u many many too)! have fun and think of meeeeeee and it will bring joy and relaxation to you!!!!!! AHAHA!
joo- AM I FORGIVEN JOO??? its really not my fault! i love you!! HOWDY HOO!! mr hanky should be visiting you!
Adieu 2:17 PM***
Monday, December 24, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

GOODBYE EXAMS, STRESS, PIMPLES, and STUDYING. hello freedom christmas and new years!!!!!! YYEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH! I AM FEELIN IT !okay after my last paper which was like what 10 PM?! i went over to yiwen's to crash a while, and plan our kingston trip. heh... and then we decided to run around taking photos because there was a snow storm and thus, ALOT OF SNOW. :)SIDE TRACK: i realised threading through snow takes alot out of me, because you keep slipping due to the slush, and ive got to constantly keep my balance while i was wobbling along, and it was -8 degrees and i was sweating in my coat because of all the effort.Anyway, we wanted to dive into the snow, but, we cant even hold our camera's properly because of the cold, WHAT MORE DIVE IN. Yiwen's cam has better shots but it died on us, so here's half of whats good in our snow photos. 

and so our fun begins tmr. --------my house is in a mess due to studying. i sooo need to clean everything, from bathtub to oven. on a happier note, i changed my bedsheets to a pretty blue and pink. kudos to mom for the delivery of love all the way from sunny singapore!! it had milo and ribena packed as well!!!!
after which i had a backache from changing the sheets. weak i know. i cant even change sheets...........

High on freedom...
"But as long as you love me so...
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!"
Adieu 3:32 PM***
Saturday, December 15, 2007
My love's package arrived!!! yay! a study boost for me.. i have a cute leopard soft toy, ALOT OF HAWTHORN and SEAWEED :), my mouse, a cookbook and a card. oh the love!! well.. the square hawthorns kinda escaped from their packaging.. sooo and thus they are on tissue paper in the photo.i'll bet i'll finish all of them within 3 days. :( GLUTTON I AM.

THANKS DEAREST!!! id study even harder! I PRAY.And in canada, you're not really inclined to have pimples. i mean.. its so dry here, you cant really have an oily face/skin. but this is what stress does to you (unless i havent bathed in two months. WHICH, NO NO, NOOO.. i BATHE OKAY, EVERYDAY.. heh. this bracket thing is really pointless). TWO BIG ASS pimples. one on my back. and one on my chin.
This shot not bad. i think i got photographic talent. maybe i should take up photography and be liz's apprentice.... okay . who am i kidding.
THE LUMPS!! OH THE HORROR!!! in such dry whether.SIGH. one more paper, 3 days to go. 6 days to kingston, 11 days till CHRISTMAS!!! YAY!!!"Jack frost's niping at your nose... "
Adieu 12:38 AM***
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Studying is fun. But not when its going to be freaking graded. EYE BAG, EYE RING, CROWS FEET I ALL HAVE NOW. i lost the gold ring my mom gave me because the weather freezes your fingers up so that their stiff, and rings just slide of your fingers unknowingly cos why? FINGERS FROZEN NUMB LIKE F*** SO CANNOT FEEL. :( mom's gonna freak big time. i loved that ring. sentimental value lehhhhh...So what to do when you're feeling down and low, lower than the ground, and you think that you dont have a chance? ( Quote panda bear song from the pacifier)
Try to smile and hope it maps onto your emotions.
I need a thad bit of sunshine and serotonin in my life.
Adieu 9:34 AM***
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Summer had this china singing competiton thingy.. so we went to support her.. and OMG her voice like celine dion. in all honesty i thought she should have won first prize, instead of some charming guy that can sing singapore ah pek pot belly karaoke pub songs. But that guy was good too.. Soo... no coincidence everyone around us two singaporeans are students from china.Anyway, after my volunteer with children thingy i met yiwen and suddenly some killer SNOW STORM just casually blew in. the change is whether is like.. blinking. Fangshuian- eh i saw the whether report on hamilton, then i got a shock because of some storm.. plus u had tubes in and out and all over you.. how you handle ah?The snow storm is soooooo pretty! like the snow would be twirling and dancing,swishing around with the wind! i just dont like when snow comes flying right into your eyes. irritates the guts out of me. yiwen and me like fighting war while trying to get to the auditorium. 

Good day good day. i like brief snow storms, SO BEAUTIFUL, and they dont freeze the ground.So much for trying to stay home and finish my essay. good job mel.
Now my life starts at 8am and ends at 5am. i like the fact that im fully utilising my hours, i hate the waking up part.
Living on mars.... bars.
Adieu 2:25 PM***